Clear Stem Trees
Clear Stem Standard Trees have been trained over time to have a long, elegant clear stem with a crown of foliage on top often in a rounded shape. Clear Stem trees can be in the form of standard trees, pleached trees or they may sometimes have a topiary lollipop shape, meaning an ornamentally rounded crown. Clear stem trees are ideal for punctuating a pathway or lining an avenue. Clear Stem or Standard trees are often used in smaller gardens as when grown as standards on a clear stem, it is relatively easy to keep the crown of the tree to a manageable size. Many of the standard trees also perform well when grown in pots.
At Paramount Plants & Gardens, we specialise among other things in mature trees for above hedge or wall screening. Clear stem standard trees and pleached trees are ideal for this purpose and are often used as above the eye line screening. Standard trees produced with a clear stem can be used to create stilted hedging, literally a hedge above the line of a standard fence. Incredibly useful, they take up little lateral space and provide excellent screening and privacy. Many of our clear stemmed trees are evergreen and are mature specimens - giving you an instant screen. Excellent for screening neighbours or unsightly views. While a wide variety of trees are suitable for training as clear stem trees, they are generally divided into two categories - clear stem evergreen trees and clear stem deciduous trees.