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Ligustrum Japonicum Pleached Trees

Pleached Privet Trees

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Available Sizes to buy online All Prices Include VAT
Height Excluding Pot: 3.1m (10ft 2)

Plant shape: Frame 1.2m High x 1.2m Wide

Trunk height: 1.9 m

Trunk girth: 10-12 cm

Pot size: 35 Litres

Plant ID: 11311 64

Was £325.00
25% Off - Now £243.75

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Ligustrum Japonicum Pleached Trees
Ligustrum Japonicum, or Japanese Privet as it is more commonly known, is a beautiful oriental evergreen tree. The dense, glossy, dark green leaves offer multiple seasons of interest, which makes this tree a popular choice for evergreen screening. These particular specimens have been grown and shaped as Pleached Trees, that is trained on clear stems (like stilts) with the crown cut and trained into a square box shape, eventually developing into a striking cube shape.
Read our blog on Pleached Tree Care & How To Plant Pleached Trees

Our Ligustrum Japonicum Pleached trees are particularly in demand, with the year-round lush foliage offering privacy and adding a structural dimension to the garden. Additionally, pleached trees do not require so much space. A Japanese Privet Pleached tree is much more manageable in terms of the lateral space it takes up in the garden, so it is a great candidate for small or urban city gardens.

How Hardy is Ligustrum Japonicum Pleached
Japanese Privet is fully hardy in the United Kingdom. This cultivar is evergreen in areas where winters are milder, but may lose part of its foliage if winters are severe or they are planted in particularly exposed locations.

How To Use Japanese Privet Pleached Trees
The pleached-trained form of the Japanese Privet tree lends itself perfectly to stilted hedging and above fence evergreen screening. In spaces where privacy is needed, this is a fantastic solution, as the dense foliage held high above the head will offer seclusion with an elegant appeal.

The raised square crowns of the Ligustrum Japonicum pleached tree are not only ideal for screening and hedging purposes. The distinct look offers structural value and introduces year-round interest to the garden. Both small and large spaces can use pleached trees as a focus of interest in the landscape.

Don't forget you can watch our Videos click here Customer Explains why they chose Pleached Trees for their garden

How To Care for Ligustrum Japonicum Pleached
Japanese Privet pleached tree is easy to care for. Grow in a spot in full sun or partial shade, and in well-drained soil. Once fully established, these cultivars are drought-tolerant. As for its trained form, it is also fairly undemanding in terms of maintenance. An occasional trim to control foliage is all it takes for Ligustrum Japonicum pleached tree to look its best.

In addition to the Ligustrum Japonicum pleached trees, we also sell Ligustrum Japonicum in full standard shape. The natural growth habit of this tree, with its tall elegant trunk, makes it ideal for stilted hedging and above the fence line screening. However, if you prefer the more architectural, geometrical appearance, Japanese Privet in Pleached form is probably the better choice.

Make sure to also take a look at other Ligustrum varieties such as Ligustrum Japonicum Variegated, a cultivar with cream and green foliage (available as a bush and in full standard shape). Additionally, you might be interested in Ligustrum Japonicum Texanum and Ligustrum Japonicum Coriaceum, two highly popular Japanese Privet varieties. See also our complete collection of pleached trees.

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