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Paramount Plants - Our Service

We Sell Trees & Plants Online UK Wide

About Us - How can we help?

We are open for business online 24/7/365:

Please allow around 14 days from ordering to delivery

Please email us

[email protected] - for sales & stock enquiries

If our contact telephone +44 (0)20 8367 8809 is busy, please use our Call Back Function for sales enquiries - click the button on the right to get started.


Monday to Friday:  9am to 4pm
Saturday: 9am to 4pm 

Sunday 10am to 4pm

Our entire selection of plants and garden accessories are for sale online, we include prices and heights of every plant, including images of each size and a full description with planting guidance - visit our e-commerce website >>


Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Established for more than 20 years, in the last decade, Paramount Plants and Gardens has grown to become one of the UK's top online retailers for mature trees and shrubs.
We deliver nationwide throughout the UK and are based in Hertfordshire / North London borders with a particular speciality in sourcing, selling and delivering mature plants and trees.
We provide the plant framework for your garden or landscape direct to your door, ready for planting.

We have a very large selection online of evergreen screening trees and hedging and a huge selection of pleached trees all of which provide instant privacy. For example, some of our most mature plants are over 3 metres tall. We are also known for our wide range of bambooscamelliasmagnoliastopiaryJapanese cloud treeshardy palms and tropical plants as well as a selection of other rare and unusual plants.
All our plants and plant accessories are available to buy online 24 / 7 / 365

We source our premium quality plants from top growers across the UK and Europe. For more information see Ordering & FAQ

Registered Company Name: 
Paramount Plants & Gardens Ltd

Registered Company Address:
131 Theobalds Park Road
Crews Hill
London EN2 9BH
Tel: +44 (0)20 8367 8809
please email all enquiries [email protected] 

Registered Company Number: 5429171 Registered in England & Wales

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