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Feijoa Sellowiana Feijoa Tree Standard
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Plant shape: ½ standard
Trunk height: 1-1.1 m
Trunk girth: 4-6 cm
Pot size: 20 Litres
Plant ID: 12144 WC 42
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk height: 1.9-2 m
Trunk girth: 8-10 cm
Pot size: 35 Litres
Plant ID: 9864 64
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Feijoa Sellowiana or Pineapple Guava or Acca Sellowiana, is an evergreen fruit tree or shrub with silver grey leaves (similar foliage to an olive tree). It originates from regions of Brazil and Uruguay.
Feijoa is fairly drought tolerant with unusual striking flowers with pink petals and crimson fluffy tentacles inside. Pineapple Guava has a copper coloured gnarled bark on long clear stems or trunks of almost 200 cm tall. These Feijoa Sellowiana trees have been shaped as full standard trees with a crown of foliage on top of a straight clear trunk. They won't get overly large and are therefore ideal for smaller gardens in this standard tree shape.
Pineapple Guava comes from the Family Myrtaceae and the Genus Acca. Characterised by their evergreen habit and round, simple leaves, they produce fleshy-type flowers of pink and white. Sellowiana has grey-green shaded leaves with a dense, white felt on their undersides. Flowering in the summer, the pink petals give rise to a red-flushed, green fruit that is edible if harvested before they drop and taken indoors to ripen fully. Once you cut them in half and scoop out the pulp, the fruit tastes a bit like minty pineapple.
Considered fully hardy to zone H3 in the UK and Ireland, this tree form shrub can be shaped and used as a virtually instant screening tree. Its favoured aspects are to the South or West as it really prefers full sun and to be sheltered from harsh conditions. In regards to soil types, choose from a sand to chalk to loam soil that drains well, and your Pineapple Guava tree will be very happy. A pH on the alkaline side or near neutral is ideal.
Size At Maturity
A modestly slow grower, it will take approximately 10-20 years to reach its ultimate height of around 4m and width of 1.5-2.5m.
Pineapple Guava has great versatility. It responds well to pruning and shaping, is relatively low maintenance, and tolerates heat and drought quite well once established. Its resistance to insects and disease pests is an added bonus! This is a beautiful tree alone or planted in groups. Typical locations include wall side borders of city and courtyard gardens.
Why buy this tree? Stunning flowers, edible fruit and evergreen foliage make this tree an unusual and versatile alternative to an olive tree. More photos of the Feijoa fruit and flowers click this link feijoatrees