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Photinia Pink Marble Pleached

Evergreen Pleached Tree

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Available Sizes to buy online All Prices Include VAT
Height Excluding Pot: 2.2m (7ft 2)

Plant shape: Frame 1.2m High x 1.2m Wide

Trunk height: 1 m

Trunk girth: 2-4 cm

Pot size: 20 Litres

Plant ID: 12797 94

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Photinia Pink Marble Pleached
Photinia Pink Marble Pleached 2.2 m buy online UK.

This image displays plant 2.2 m tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 2.2m (7ft 2)

Plant shape: Frame 1.2m High x 1.2m Wide

Trunk height: 1 m

Trunk girth: 2-4 cm

Pot size: 20 Litres

Plant ID: 12797 94

Was £200.00
25% Off - Now £150.00

Was £200.00
25% Off - Now £150.00

Height Excluding Pot: 3.2m (10ft 5)

Plant shape: Frame 1.2m High x 1.2m Wide

Trunk height: 2 m

Trunk girth: 8-10 cm

Pot size: 30 Litres

Plant ID: 12744 64

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Photinia Pink Marble Pleached
Photinia Pink Marble Pleached 3.2 m buy online UK.

This image displays plant 3.2 m tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 3.2m (10ft 5)

Plant shape: Frame 1.2m High x 1.2m Wide

Trunk height: 2 m

Trunk girth: 8-10 cm

Pot size: 30 Litres

Plant ID: 12744 64

Was £550.00
25% Off - Now £412.50

Was £550.00
25% Off - Now £412.50

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Photinia Fraseri Pink Marble Cassini 

Strikingly colourful foliage and prunability give Photinia Pink Marble a distinctive beauty, with year-round interest in any garden or landscape setting. The marble in the name refers to the marbling effect of the leaf colour throughout the year, which includes an impressive array of reds, pinks, greens, ivory, bronze and burgundy. Read our blog on Pleached Tree Care & How To Plant Pleached Tree

To give it its full name, Photinia Fraseri Pink Marble Cassini (Christmas Berry or Pink Marble Photinia) is a relatively new variegated variety of Photinia that has many ornamental features, most notably show-stopping variegated leaf colour all year round.

Like other Photinias, Pink Marble produces small, white, fragrant flowers in spring and red berry-sized fruit in autumn. However, this variety’s standout feature is its foliage. When the new leaves emerge in spring, they are a strikingly vivid pink and red, creating quite a display. As the leaves mature, the colour evolves to a glossy, dark green with an ivory-white edge or margin and with the occasional splash of pink and white. Red bronze tinged foliage follows in the autumn and the fruit, shaped like miniature apples, turn red as they ripen. They remain on the branches well into winter, providing food for the birds and butterflies. In winter, the foliage takes on a burgundy hue.

Photinia Fraseri Pink Marble responds well to pruning and has a reasonably fast growth rate. Like all Photinias, it is a popular choice of hedging and for screens. Photinia are low maintenance plants that will grow in most well-drained soils. They are pollution tolerant and as a result, they do well in urban areas.  In terms of aspect, preferably Photinia Pink Marble likes full sun but will also perform in partial shade.


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