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From Mature Specimen Trees to Dwarf Conifers

Pines, Cedars, Firs & More

Paramount Plants specialises in Conifers to buy online, this season we have a huge collection including dwarf conifers, mature specimen trees and rare bonsai pines. These conifer trees are easy to grow in well drained fertile soil, look good all year round and provide some of the best instant screening options on the market and fast growing hedging plants for privacy.
Conifers are from a plant genus known as Pinophyta, distinguished by the fact that they are cone bearing seed plants. Although the total number of species is relatively small, Conifers are a very important group of plants in that their varieties dominate huge swathes of the earth, particularly the forests of the Northern Hemisphere. Extremely hardy and evergreen they have adapted to shed snow easily from their branches.
Many examples of Conifers are household names - cedars, cypresses, fir trees, yews and junipers to just name a few, view our range of trees for sale below.
Up To 30% Off!
Pinus Pinea, hardy trees, Paramount Plants and Gardens UK - For sale London
Pinus Pinea Stone Pine Nut Tree Standard
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Italian Cypress Tree or Cupressus Sempervirens, for sale at Mediterranean Tree Nursery, London UK
Cupressus Sempervirens - Italian Cypress
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Cupressus Leylandii, Leylandii Tree Specialists - Paramount Plants, North London UK
Cupressus Leylandii Trees
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Thuja Occidentalis Smaragd, also known as White Cedar Smaragd, buy online with UK delivery.
Thuja Smaragd White Cedar Hedging Rootball
Up To 30% Off!
Thuya Occidentalis Brabant evergreen hedging
Thuya Occidentalis Brabant Rootball
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Pinus Sylvestris Pine Cloud Tree Pom Pom
Pinus Sylvestris Pine Cloud Tree in Pom Pom Shape
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Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Columnaris
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Thuja Plicata hedge plants for sale online for UK delivery
Thuja Plicata Hedging - Root Ball Plants
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Pinus Sylvestris Full Standard tree, for sale online UK delivery
Pinus Sylvestris Full Standard Trees
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Evergreen Yew Hedging Looking Good in Winter
Yew Hedging Rootballs
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Abies concolor (white fir) with silvery blue needles
Abies Concolor
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Abies Koreana Silberlocke. Korean Fir Silver Curls
Abies Koreana Silberlocke Korean Fir
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 A lush evergreen tree with soft. Dark green needles and excellent needle retention. Ideal for landscaping or as a Christmas tree
Abies Nordmanniana - Nordmann Fir Trees
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Abies Pinsapo Spanish fir tree, large conifer trees to buy online UK
Abies Pinsapo Glauca Spanish Fir also Hedgehog Fir
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Calocedrus Decurrens Aureovariegata is also known as California Incense Cedar, evergreen variegated foliage provide year round interest
Calocedrus Decurrens Aureovariegata
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Calocedrus Decurrens, known as the Incense Cedar Tree or White Cedar, for sale UK delivery.
Calocedrus Decurrens Incense Cedar Tree
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Cedrus Deodara Aurea Pendula (Weeping Golden Deodar Cedar or Himalayan Cedar)
Cedrus Deodara
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Cephalotaxus Harringtonia Fastigiata Japanese Plum Yew for sale UK delivery.
Cephalotaxus Harringtonia Fastigiata Japanese Plum Yew
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Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Alumigold, False Cypress Alumigold trees for sale online UK
Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Alumigold Conifer
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Conifer, Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Ellwoodii commonly known as Lawsons Cypress, buy online UK
Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Ellwoodii Lawson's Cypress
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Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Ellwoods Gold
Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Ellwoods Gold
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Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Forsteckensis Lawsons Cypress
Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Forsteckensis Lawsons Cypress
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Chaemaecyparis Lawsoniana, Lawson
Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Golden Wonder Lawson’s Cypress
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Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Ivonne False Cypress Ivonne Tree
Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana Ivonne (or Yvonne) Tree
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Hinoki Cypress tree showing intricate leaf details, a beautiful Japanese conifer to buy online UK
Chamaecyparis Obtusa Nana Gracilis Hinoki Cypress Dwarf
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Chamaecyparis Pisifera Boulevard Bush Conifer buy UK
Chamaecyparis Pisifera Boulevard
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Chamaecyparis Pisifera Filifera Aurea or Sawara Cypress
Chamaecyparis Pisifera Filifera Aurea
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Chamaecyparis pisifera Sungold Sawara Cypress with golden foliage
Chamaecyparis Pisifera Sungold Sawara Cypress
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Cryptomeria Japonica Elegans Viridis is also known as Japanese Cedar - lovely evergreen feathery foliage, for sale online with UK delivery
Cryptomeria Japonica Elegans Viridis Japanese Cedar
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Cryptomeria Japonica Globosa Nana, Low growing conifers for sale at Paramount Plants and Gardens
Cryptomeria Japonica Japanese Cedar

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