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Malus Domestica Manks Codlin Cooking Apple

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Height Excluding Pot: 1.25-1.5m (4ft 1-4ft 11)

Plant shape: ½ standard

Trunk girth: 6-8 cm

Pot size: 10 Litres

Rootstock: m26 - Dwarfing

Plant ID: 5683 64

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Malus Domestica Manks Codlin Cooking Apple
Malus Domestica Manks Codlin Cooking Apple 1.25-1.5 m buy online UK.

This image displays plant 1.25-1.5 m tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 1.25-1.5m (4ft 1-4ft 11)

Plant shape: ½ standard

Trunk girth: 6-8 cm

Pot size: 10 Litres

Rootstock: m26 - Dwarfing

Plant ID: 5683 64

Was £88.00
25% Off - Now £66.00
Buy 2 for £150.00
25% Off - Now £112.50

Was £88.00
25% Off - Now £66.00
Buy 2 for £150.00
25% Off - Now £112.50

Malus Domestica Manks Codlin is an early fruiting cooking apple tree that was first grown in 1815 on the Isle of Man by Mr Kewley at Ballanard. Apple Manks Codlin is a well respected cooker that’s gathered a myriad of names over the past 100 years throughout Northern England and Scotland. These include Eve’s Apple of Scotland, Irish Codlin, and Eva’s Codlin, but no matter what you call it this is one of the sweetest cookers around and the first to ripen. It is widely grown since 19th century especially in Northern England & Scotland.

Codlin is the old English name for a cooking apple especially the green English varieties. Manks Codlin idoesn’t disappoint its heritage with sweet flesh that bakes into a delicious delicate flavour. It grows a bright green with a subtle red flush, it one of the most colourful cooking apples around. This is a good choice deciduous tree for the midsized garden as it is compact with a spreading canopy that doesn’t grow too large.

In spring beautiful delicate pink blossom appears to attract pollinators. The pink blossom turn a fresh white as it matures and produces a heavenly fragrant scent.  Apples begin to form in spring and they are ready to harvest in mid August. It’s a heavy cropper that produces lots of medium sized fruit with a flush of red.

How Hardy Is Malus Domestica Manks Codlin
Malus Domestica Manks Codlin is a hardy tree that’s particularly well suited to poor soil and exposed sites once established. As with all apple trees late frosts may damage the blossom.

How To Use Malus Domestica Manks Codlin
This midsized apple tree is a beautiful and useful specimen for the lawn or grown as part of a border or fruit orchard. You can espalier Manks Codlin along a sunny wall or grow it in a container where it will attract wildlife such as pollinators and birds with its numerous flowers and fruits. Because this is such a heavy cropper you are able to use the fruit in a number of ways. It can be eaten off the tree at its ripest, but is best used as a cooking apple for pies and sauces.

How to Care for Malus Domestica Manks Codlin
Manks Codlin Apple is sterile and requires a pollinating partner to produce apples. This cooking apple tree will grow in all soils of any pH but in the first few years it will need regular watering and a good thick layer of mulch around its roots in spring. If a late frost is predicted cover the blossom with a fleece.

This fruit tree usually grows with an open canopy and doesn’t need pruning, but you can remove branches if required in the winter months. It’s best not to remove more than a third of the branch length and cut any crossed, broken or damaged branches out.

Malus Domestica Manks Codlin is a tried and tested cooker that won’t disappoint. It’s an easy-to-grow heavy cropper with sweet flesh, so if you’re looking for a reliable, early season cooking apple with plenty of uses in the kitchen this is the one for you.  

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