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Ficus Carica Goutte dOr Fig Tree Drop of Gold

Self-Fertile, Fast-Growing Fruiting Fig

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Height Excluding Pot: 60-80cm (1ft 11-2ft 7)

Pot size: 10 Litres

Plant ID: 12442 64

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Ficus Carica Goutte dOr Fig Tree Drop of Gold
Ficus Carica Goutte dOr Fig Tree Drop of Gold 60-80 cm buy online UK.

This image displays plant 60-80 cm tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 60-80cm (1ft 11-2ft 7)

Pot size: 10 Litres

Plant ID: 12442 64

Was £82.50
25% Off - Now £61.88

Was £82.50
25% Off - Now £61.88

Deciduous Ficus Carica Goutte d'Or is an old variety of French fig tree with self-fertile fast-growing figs in June and then again in August. It’s a reliable grower with excellent cold-hardy credentials

Ficus carica is native to Syria and Persia, but it was brought to Europe by the Romans in the first century AD. The cultivar Ficus Carica Goutte d'Or means ‘drop of gold’ in French which is an excellent description of its fig fruits that have a drop of golden colour on their skin when they’re ripe enough to pick.

This cultivar is synonymous with Ficus Carica Goutte de Miel (drop of honey). This reliable fruit tree produces two crops of tasty figs. The first appear from June to July and then again in August. It’s a deciduous tree, so its leaves will fall in winter before growing back the following spring. It has good cold resistance but does still require warmth, so plant it in the hottest sunniest spot available, preferably against a south or west-facing wall.

Height And Spread of Ficus Carica Goutte d'Or
Fig Tree Drop of Gold reaches three metres in height and width.

How Hardy Is Ficus Carica Goutte d'Or
This variety of fig tree is hardy in the UK, but it needs well-drained roots with a warm and sunny sheltered spot that’s free from drafts and frost pockets.

How To Use Ficus Carica Goutte d'Or
Perfect against a sunny wall or in a container that can be moved into a greenhouse for winter, this tasty fig tree is recommended for its cold hardiness. The fruits are sweet enough to eat from the tree or they can be cooked into pies or jams.
Warm urban courtyards are ideal spots and it suits a Mediterranean theme too
This is a great choice for kitchen gardens and fruit lovers that want a reliable fig.

How To Care For Ficus Carica Goutte d'Or

Choose the sunniest position available, ideally against a south-facing wall with plenty of shelter. This fig tree will soak up all the sun you can give it. It grows best in well-drained fertile soil but can manage in poorer sandy or chalky conditions although its growth will be slower.
After Fig Tree Drop of Gold has grown for a few years remove a fourth to a third of the older branches in March (or later if frosts are forecast). This encourages strong new fig-bearing branches.
Apply plenty of well-rotted organic mulch to the roots in spring and water it well until it’s established. Container-grown figs need lots of water and fertiliser in the growing months.

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