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Cydonia Oblonga Vranja Quince
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Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk height: 1.8 m
Trunk girth: 8-10 cm
Rootball - supplied without a pot
Plant ID: 9289 100
Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk girth: 20-25 cm
Pot size: 70 Litres
Plant ID: 10952 64
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Cydonia Oblonga Vranja or Quince Vranja, is a beautiful single variety quince that produces sweet-smelling flowers and large showy fragrant fruit, golden-yellow when ripe. The RHS has given Vranja the Award of Garden Merit. A small deciduous fruit tree, Quince Vranja is a popular choice for its strong, upright habit. Its leaves are grey-green with a fluffy texture beneath, and they turn an attractive buttery yellow before falling in autumn. Beautiful pale pink flowers appear in May. They are bowl-shaped and showy measuring up to 5 cm across. These blooms turn into the pale green fruits that gradually sun-ripen into golden-yellow quince in late autumn. They are extremely fragrant and attractive fruits.
How Hardy Is Cydonia Oblonga Vranja?
Quince are native to south-western Asia and are particularly abundant in Iran and Serbia. This means they are used to harsh, cold winters and hot summers. Although this is a hardy shrub that will tolerate wet and cold conditions of the UK, during early spring the flowers are susceptible to late frosts.
How To Use Cydonia Oblonga Vranja
This is the best variety of quince to fan train against a sunny wall, but it can also be grown as a shrub or small tree. Although most gardeners grow quince for the edible fruit, they are decorative and fragrant enough to provide a focal point from spring to late autumn. The versatile Quince Vranja looks stunning as a stand-alone shrub in an ornamental lawn, as part of a deep flower border, or trained against a wall.
It will reach a maximum height of four metres and similar spread, but this will take ten to twenty years depending on growing conditions. Cydonia Oblonga Vranja is self fertile, but several quince of a different variety means chances of pollination, and therefore fruit, are even greater.
How To Care For Cydonia Oblonga Vranja
This is a tough quince but warm conditions are needed to maximise fruit ripening, so choose a sunny spot for your Quince Vranja. Quince will tolerate most soils preferring moisture tentative, but not water-logged. A thick layer of well -rotted manure in early spring will help produce fruit and keep it healthy. Little pruning is required, but if you are fan-training tie back stems and cut out any forward growing or damaged shoots in late winter or early spring.