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Prunus Laurocerasus - Cherry Laurel
Fast-Growing Evergreen Hedging
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 5 Litres
Hedge Guide: 3 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 8298 C 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 5 Litres
Plant ID: 13954 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 12 Litres
Hedge Guide: 3 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 2562 C 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 10 Litres
Hedge Guide: 3 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 733 C 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 20 Litres
Hedge Guide: 3 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 853 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Plant variety: Freshly Potted
Pot size: 110 Litres
Hedge Guide: 2 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 14583 WC 94
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Plant variety: Novita
Pot size: 45 Litres
Hedge Guide: 2 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 14582 64
Plant shape: Crown Lifted
Pot size: 90-110 Litres
Hedge Guide: 1 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 9047 42
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2024 / 2025 Root Ball Season is here - for best value see our Cherry Laurel Root Ball Plants - ideal for hedging!
Prunus Laurocerasus Cherry Laurel
An excellent hedging or screening plant, Prunus Laurocerasus Cherry Laurel is a dense bushy shrub with glossy green leaves and new shoots in bright green. If you are in need of a tall evergreen hedge that looks good all year round and is easy to maintain, then Prunus Laurocerasus is an ideal choice.
Small, fragrant white flowers on upright spikes appear in spring (usually April to May), followed by red fruit ripening to black. Prunus Laurocerasus will grow in full sun or partial shade.
A Cherry Laurel hedge will suit any aspect. A Prunus Laurocerasus hedge will thrive even against a north-facing wall. Not only does it provide a luscious evergreen screen, it looks good all year round, with its shapely evergreen leaves in a very attractive mid green with the new growth appearing a vibrant brighter green. Furthermore, a Cherry Laurel hedge is rarely woody. Indeed, that’s the beauty of cherry laurel hedging – you can cut it as hard back as you like and it will always respond excellently.
Eventual Height:
Latin name Prunus Laurocerasus will quickly reach a substantial height of 13 feet or so giving great privacy. They can grow even taller if required, say to 15 feet or even 20 feet for a truly impressive screen.
Easy to maintain:
Surprising as it may sound, trimming only needs to be done once per year. Then once clipped, the hedge takes on a wonderful geometric aspect, further enhancing the garden architecture.
Cherry Laurel hedging, because of its denseness and the impressive heights it reaches if allowed, can be extremely useful for creating separate rooms in your outside space. For example, use cherry laurel hedging to separate the lawn or the flower garden from the vegetable patch by creating a lovely wall of green. Because they lend themselves so well to pruning, you can get creative as the hedge matures and cut enchanting archways or doorways though the hedge (which should be self-supporting due to the denseness of the hedge) gently enticing the visitor from one ‘room’ to the next.
It’s also nice to that know that the thick network of inner branches and evergreen foliage provide terrific shelter for wildlife, particularly for those birds that don’t desert us in the winter months.
Settling In – Once planted, just keep well watered for the first couple of growing seasons until the plants get established.
Trimming Tip – When trimming, it’s best to cut the branches and avoid cutting the leaves.
More on our Cherry Laurel Hedging blog...
Other attractive, evergreen hedging plants include Photinia Red Robin
Prunus Laurocerasus holds the Award of Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society, a sure sign that it will perform well in most gardens.