Prunus Lusitanica Variegata
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 230 Litres
Hedge Guide: 1 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 1015 64
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Prunus Lusitanica Variegata Prunus Lusitanica Variegata is sometimes commonly known as Variegated Portugal Laurel, this attractive bushy evergreen shrub can grow up to 4 metres.
Variegated Portuguese Laurel does respond well to being clipped so it can easily be kept to a more modest size. The highly glossy ovate leaves with white edges turn a pretty pink flush in wintertime.
Small creamy white flowers that are very fragrant are produced in early summer and these are followed by red fruit that gradually ripen to almost black.
These shrubs will grow in any soil in any aspect and can therefore be used in a variety of situations, working well as a hedge or for screening and also useful as a wind break to protect other less accommodating plants.
Because the leaves and branches are so densely growing this shrub provides valuable nesting possibilities for birds and they love the larder on hand when fruiting.