Physocarpus Opulifolius Red Baron Ninebark
Deciduous Shrub with Striking Foliage Colour

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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 3 Litres
Plant ID: 13943 114
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Pot size: 5 Litres
Plant ID: 13944 C 1
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Physocarpus Opulifolius Red Baron is a hardy deciduous Ninebark shrub with vivid deep red leaves and rich red stems. It’s a tough shrub that suits nearly all soils and fills a garden or balcony with ruby tones from spring to late autumn.
Physocarpus Opulifolius is native to North America. The name physocarpus is Greek for bladder fruit and opulifolius is Latin for many leaves, but it’s better known as Ninebark for its mature peeling branches. Ninebarks are deciduous and tough slow-growing shrubs with striking foliage colour. They grow natively in most spaces including cliffs and open savannahs.
The cultivar Physocarpus Red Baron has 3 lobed leaves that are rich dark red adorning dark red stems. In early summer, small white-pink flowers emerge in cheerful clusters and mature into round red fruits that birds love to eat. In winter its red foliage falls to reveal peeling bark in various shades of brown.
This is a versatile shrub that brings rich red and brown earthy shades to borders and containers throughout spring and autumn.
Height And Spread of Physocarpus Opulifolius Red Baron
Ninebark Red Baron is a bushy shrub that reaches a maximum height and spread of two metres.
How Hardy Is Physocarpus Opulifolius Red Baron
It’s fully hardy here in the UK if its roots are very well drained and it gets plenty of full sun in summer. It’s a good coastal plant with excellent wind tolerance.
How To Use Physocarpus Opulifolius Red Baron
Ninebark Red Baron brings rich tones to an otherwise green foliage border and is low maintenance enough for the busiest of gardeners. Try pairing it with other ninebark varieties such as Little Angel for a swathe of rich colour. Its flowers attract bees and birds eat the tiny fruits, so it’s good for wildlife-friendly spaces too.
Because Ninebarks are such tough shrubs, they are excellent soil protectors for slopes or banks and sturdy wind protection screens around a seating area or vegetable garden.
Red Baron is a slow-growing ninebark so it will also grow in a well-watered and fed container to brighten up a front garden, sunny balcony or a roof terrace too. It’s a beautiful and highly versatile shrub.
How To Care For Physocarpus Opulifolius Red Baron
Opulifolius Red Baron is easy to grow and requires little care once it’s established. It will grow in the majority of well-drained soils and although it can tolerate exposed spots, it prefers full sun.
You can leave it to grow or prune back stems after its flowered for better foliage growth. Just thin out old branches and cut away 1/3 of its new growth. Ninebarks flower on the previous year’s growth so prune it back after the flowers are spent. This gives it time to grow new stems that will flower the following spring.
Mulch it with well-rotted organic matter in spring and water it until you can see new growth.