Clematis Armandii
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Pot size: 2 Litres
Plant ID: 6866 1
click to view this plant size >Clematis Armandii is one of the few true evergreen clematis. Clematis Armandii is a vigorous evergreen climber with saucer-shaped, highly scented white flowers with cream anthers. The large arrow shaped leaves are glossy and create a wall of greenery - perfect for hiding unsightly corners of the garden, for growing into a tree or for covering a fence or wall. Clematis Armandii will also grow well over an arbour or pergola.
With attractive, evergreen foliage and striking pure white blossoms, Clematis Armandii is one of the most sought after Clematis cultivars. This showy climber will thrive both in sunny locations and dappled shade, as long as there is enough sunlight to encourage profuse flowering and healthy foliage. Choose a south or southwest facing wall, fence or supporting structure to ensure this plant flourishes in your garden. When it comes to the soil, Clematis Armandii is not particularly fussy. As long as the soil is well-drained and fertile, this flowering climber will perform well.
Although fully hardy in all of Britain and Ireland, this Chinese native has trouble surviving in areas where winter temperatures drop below -10 degrees. Even in areas with a milder climate, this evergreen climber won’t fare well unless it's protected from strong, biting winds.
Generally considered pest and disease free, Clematis Armandii is fairly easy to grow and care for. Even Clematis Wilt, a disease that often affects all Clematis varieties, is less likely to affect evergreen cultivars such as Armandii.
With its star-shaped flowers and lush foliage that offers year-round interest, Clematis Armandii is an ideal candidate for screening. With a fast growth rate and a climbing habit, this cultivar will cover a fence or a wall in no time. If you want to fully appreciate its eye-catching spring blossoms and their aromatic fragrance, train it against an arbor. In case you’re looking for a stunning plant that will provide year-round shade for your garden’s sitting area, let Clematis Armandii climb its way up a pergola or a patio cover
Expect Clematis Armandii to reach a Max Height of 3m to 5m with a Max Spread of 2m to 3m. It typically flowers from March to May. Full sun/partial shade. Frost hardy but prefers a sheltered position away from cold winds. Not necessary to prune - just remove any dry leaves in early Spring before the fabulous display of flowers appears.
Other flowering climbers include evergreen jasmines and wisteria sinensis
Plant shape: Trellis
Pot size: 20 Litres
Plant ID: 122 15
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Pay to pre-order this plant for delivery estimated by 31.03.2025
Pot size: 7 Litres
Plant ID: 8752 64
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Pay to pre-order this plant for delivery estimated by 31.08.2025