Choisya Dewitteana Goldfingers Mexican Orange
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 2 Litres
Plant ID: 13894 114
click to view this plant size >Choisya Goldfingers Mexican Orange
Choisya Goldfingers is an aromatic evergreen with bright lime foliage. It’s a useful shrub that suits a sunny mixed border.
Choisya are a genus of evergreen shrubs native to South-West America and Mexico. In a nod to their origins, Choisya is also known as the Mexican Orange shrub. They love sunshine and are hardy shrubs suited to the UK.
The cultivar Goldfingers is a rounded, bushy evergreen with bright lime green foliage. The leaves are narrow, elliptic and resemble fingers as the name Goldfingers suggests. In late spring small white flowers appear on the tips of its branches. The flowers are orange-scented and much loved by bees. A second rush of flowers often blooms in late summer. In winter, Mexican Orange Goldfingers retains its foliage bringing bright colour to a bare winter garden.
The full botanical name for this shrub is Choisya Dewitteana Goldfingers. It is synonymous with Choisya Dewitteana Limo. It is most frequently referred to as Choisya Goldfingers.
Height and Spread of Choisya Goldfingers
Mexican Orange Goldfingers will reach a maximum height and spread of 1.5 metres.
How Hardy Is Choisya Goldfingers
This is a hardy evergreen throughout much of the UK. It will withstand sub-zero temperatures if the roots are well-drained and is drought tolerant once established. Choisya are generally disease-free.
How To Use Choisya Goldfingers
Choisya are a great choice for all styles of garden. They bring winter colour and make a superb backdrop for flowering seasonals. Goldfingers is an especially good choice for a low maintenance green garden as its bright lime shade brings extra interest.
Goldfingers is suitable for wildlife gardens, urban town gardens, Japanese style gardens, gravel gardens and any warm sunny spot in a mixed border. It’s a useful shrub with plenty of character.
How To Care For Choisya Goldfingers
Mexican Orange Goldfingers is self-sufficient once established. It prefers a sunny spot where the foliage will grow brighter but will cope with partial shade. It is tolerant of all well-drained soils including chalk.
There’s no need to prune choisya as they naturally hold a rounded shape, but you can trim it back after the flowers are spent to maintain your preferred height and spread.
Water well until established and apply a thick layer of mulch in early spring to provide plenty of nutrients for the growing season.