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Acer Palmatum Dissectum Inaba Shidare
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Plant shape: Freshly Potted
Pot size: 18 Litres
Plant ID: 12954 W 42
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Pot size: 18 Litres
Plant ID: 2236 W 42
click to view this plant size >LIMITED STOCK only 20 available
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Pot size: 18 Litres
Plant ID: 5904 WC 42
click to view this plant size >LIMITED STOCK only 10 available
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Plant shape: Oriental
Pot size: 110 Litres
Plant ID: 5907 2
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Acer Palmatum Dissectum Inaba Shidare
A relatively rare variety in the UK, Acer Palmatum Dissectum Inaba Shidare is a stunning, vibrant Japanese Maple tree that adds eye-catching colour in any landscape garden. The colour changes throughout the year from deep purple to a crimson red meaning you can enjoy the look of this tree no matter what time of year it is.
Acer Palmatum Dissectum Inaba Shidare, also known as the Japanese Maple Inaba Shidare is a deciduous Japanese Maple tree with lobed leaves and small flowers. The larger leaves produce a tone of deep purple and red in the spring and they keep this colour throughout the growing seasons. The autumn colour is a crimson tone. Inaba Shidare is unique in that it grows in an upright manner, yet still has a cascading appearance. In fact, the word shidare means "cascading".
This tree typically grows to 10-25 foot tall. It is native to Japan, China and Korea. The form of the tree is rounded with low branching and a cascading leaf effect. Each palmate green leaf measures approximately 5 inches long although can be smaller, and has up to 9 toothed lobes which can suggest the shape of outstretched fingers. The tree grows small red and purple flowers in spring and then winged samaras in pairs in autumn.
Inaba Shidare likes a sunny spot so it's best to find a location that has at least half a day of sunlight. The soil must be moist but not soggy, as overly wet soil can attract fungal disease. A layer of mulch should surround the base of the tree to add nutrients to the soil.
Acer Palmatum Dissectum Inaba Shidare looks good in a yard, patio or the border of a pond for a really beautiful effect. The cascading habit of this tree looks particularly eye-catching on a slope and near a rock pool or ornamental pond. Of course, it’s an excellent choice for a Japanese style garden.