Wisteria Floribunda Multijuga Climber
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Pot size: 10 Litres
Plant ID: 2784 64
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Wisteria Floribunda Multijuga, also known as Wisteria Floribunda Longissima, is one of the showiest and most extravagant Wisteria plant varieties. Best known for its unusually long racemes of flowers that are around 1 metre long, this deciduous Japanese climber is easy to grow and to care for.
The large, pinnate leaves provide a beautiful backdrop for the stunning blossoms. The drooping racemes of pea-like, light lilac flowers with deep violet markings are prized not only for their beauty but for the climber’s imposing size as well. Although the racemes usually grow to be around 1 metre in length, Wisteria Floribunda Multijuga ended up in the Guinness Book of Records, when one cultivar produced eye-catching flowers that were 180 centimetres long. Same as other Wisteria cultivars, this variety’s flowers are heavily scented, spreading a rich fragrance throughout the garden.
Wisteria Floribunda Longissima thrives in moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil, and full sun, although it will tolerate slightly dappled shade. Even though it’s not particularly fussy when it comes to optimal growing conditions, the planting location for this unusual Wisteria should be chosen with care. The strong, sturdy twining branches will need a support to hold them, and the long, luxurious blossoms will look best when they have enough space to droop freely. Since Wisteria Floribunda Multijuga can grow to be around 4 to 8 metres high and up to 1.5 metres wide, pick a spot where it can have enough space to thrive and develop.
Fully hardy in Britain and Ireland, this Japanese Wisteria variety fares well even in areas where winter temperatures drop 20 degrees below zero. Considering its extravagant good looks and unexpected toughness, it’s not difficult to see why Wisteria Floribunda Multijuga earned the prestigious Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society.
Keeping Wisteria Floribunda Longissima in perfect shape is not as complicated as it may seem. Apart from routine pruning twice per year to encourage flowering and maintain optimal growth, there’s not much that needs to be done.
Although all Wisteria cultivars are beauties in their own right, Wisteria Floribunda Multijuga is truly a unique variety. Possessing all the noteworthy qualities of its close relatives, this twining climber offers classic beauty with a modern, stylish twist in form of long, bi-coloured blossoms. For best results, grow this Japanese Wisteria variety as a focal or specimen plant, trained against a wall, fence, trellis, arbour or a pergola.
You might also be interested in other Wisteria varieties with long flower racemes and/ or our collection of gorgeous flowering climbers.