Viburnum Tinus Grandiflora
Evergreen Spring Flowering Shrub
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 3 Litres
Plant ID: 9576 64
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 10 Litres
Plant ID: 10426 64
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 18 Litres
Plant ID: 9577 64
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 30 Litres
Plant ID: 9578 64
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 55 Litres
Plant ID: 14979 64
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 45 Litres
Plant ID: 9579 64
click to view this plant size >Viburnum Tinus Grandiflora is a sweetly scented evergreen shrub that flowers in springtime. Viburnum is a large genus of around 175 varieties, which can be evergreen or deciduous. Viburnum Tinus (Laurustinus) is an evergreen species, native to the Mediterranean and North Africa. The common name for Viburnum Tinus is Laurustinus, a reference to the Bay-Laurel shape of the foliage.
This is a bushy, fast-growing flowering shrub. Pink flower buds emerge in spring that develop into white nectar-rich flowers. Black berries usually follow in autumn.
Viburnums are easy to grow, versatile shrub for all types of garden as they are hardy, evergreen, and produce pretty flowers. Grandiflorum is a top choice for its large white flower sprays. Laurustinus Grandiflora flowers in clusters starting as red buds emerging into pretty white little flowers.
Note - Viburnum Tinus Grandiflora (also Grandiflorum) is not to be confused with Viburnum Grandiflorum, which is a deciduous variety.
Height And Spread Viburnum Tinus Grandiflora
Viburnum Grandiflorum is a well-rounded shrub with a naturally pleasing form. It rarely gets bigger than 3m x 3m.
How Hardy Is Viburnum Tinus Grandiflora
Like the majority of viburnums, Viburnum Grandiflorum is hardy down to sub-zero temperatures. It’s relatively pest-free and once established is drought tolerant too. This is a very hard yet pretty shrub that’s suitable for all gardens.
How To Use Viburnum Tinus Grandiflorum
Viburnum Tinus Grandiflora is perfect for a winter garden. It’s flowers and scent bring interest to a mixed flower border.
They also take well to containers if watered and fed during summer. Container viburnums are perfect for bare patios and bring sweet scent to a seating area or an open window in very early spring. Plant one near your front door for gloriously sweet scent as you arrive home.
Ideal as a specimen shrub in a mixed border, try it with other shrubs or small trees such as Hamamelis Diane (orange red flowers) and Sarcococca (white flowering)
How To Care For Viburnum Tinus Grandiflorum
Viburnum Grandiflorum is tough and requires little attention. Plant yours in any type of well-drained soil and water until it’s established. A thick layer of mulch once a year traps moisture and provides nutrients.
Viburnum Grandiflora naturally forms a well-rounded shape, but if pruning is required this is best done in spring after the flowers have faded.