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Phyllostachys Sulphurea Viridis

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Height Excluding Pot: 5-5.5m (16ft 4-18ft 0)

Pot size: 130 Litres

Plant ID: 13150 64

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Phyllostachys Sulphurea Viridis
Phyllostachys Sulphurea Viridis 5-5.5 m buy online UK.

This image displays plant 5-5.5 m tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 5-5.5m (16ft 4-18ft 0)

Pot size: 130 Litres

Plant ID: 13150 64

Was £1,155.00
25% Off - Now £866.25
Pay to pre-order this plant for delivery estimated by 30.04.2025

Was £1,155.00
25% Off - Now £866.25
Pay to pre-order this plant for delivery estimated by 30.04.2025

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Phyllostachys Sulphurea Viridis also Ougon-kou Chiku Bamboo and Kou-Chiku Bamboo
The Phyllostachys sulphurea viridis, also known as the Ougon-kou Chiku or Kou-Chiku bamboo, is a garden cultivation variety of bamboo that does not occur naturally in the wild. However, it is a favourite bamboo type for garden growth. It is widely grown as an ornamental grass in woodland gardens or as a border hedge. 
Kou-Chiku is an edible bamboo. The plant’s new, tender shoots are commonly harvested for a variety of cuisines or eaten raw in salads. For best flavour, the shoots are gathered in the spring as they emerge from the ground. The mature culms of the plant are harvested for use as tool handles and for housing in various parts of the world.  When fully mature, the culms are strong and can be fashioned into various shapes. 
Ougon-kou Chiku bamboo grows to a height of 4 to 6 meters. The culms grow in an erect fashion and are yellow in colour upon maturation. They stand out in stark contrast against the plant’s lance-shaped green foliage. 
Kou-Chiku bamboo plants are very hardy – and will tolerate a temperature drop to minus 20 degrees Celsius, but when the weather is chilly the plant’s growth rate slows substantially and it often ceases producing new shoots.
The Phyllostachys sulphurea viridis grows well in a wide array of soil conditions such as sandy, loamy, or clay. It tolerates alkaline or acidic soil. Ideally, the plant thrives in well-draining, moist soil. Once established, the plant can withstand periods of drought but its overall growth rate will be slowed or stalled if it is exposed to periods of prolonged or frequent droughts. 
The Ougon-kou Chiku bamboo prefers dappled shade and is ideal for growth beneath deep rooted trees because the bamboo plant’s roots are relatively shallow and will not compete with the surrounding trees for nutrients. It will grow in full sun but will require more frequent watering. 
The evergreen eye-catching Kou-Chiku bamboo is a picturesque addition to any garden because of its non-invasive characteristics. Unlike other bamboo varieties which frequently aggressively spread throughout the garden, Kou-Chiku bamboo does spread slowly by sending out runners but does not take over and is easily controlled. See also our very effective Bamboo Barriers

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