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Malus Domestica Yellow Transparent Apple
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Plant shape: ½ standard
Trunk height: 1.1-1.2 m
Trunk girth: 8-10 cm
Pot size: 18 Litres
Rootstock: m106 - Semi-Dwarfing
Plant ID: 10526 C 42
click to view this plant size >LIMITED STOCK only 7 available
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Plant shape: ½ standard
Trunk girth: 6-8 cm
Pot size: 10 Litres
Rootstock: m26 - Dwarfing
Plant ID: 5716 64
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk height: 2-2.2 m
Trunk girth: 8-10 cm
Pot size: 30 Litres
Rootstock: m111 - Vigorous
Plant ID: 4501 C 42
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Malus Domestica Yellow Transparent is a heritage dual-purpose early season apple tree, whose fruit can be eaten raw or used for cooking. This deciduous cultivar is synonymous with Malus Domestica White Transparent and Malus Domestica Weisser Klarapfel. It originated in Russia and it was first introduced in the early 1800s. The greenish-yellow apples of this fruit tree are harvested early in the season around the beginning of August.
The fragrant, tiny pale pink to white blossoms unfold early in the spring, creating a showy floral display. The fruit follows in the summer, early to ripen and ready for picking in August. Apple Yellow Transparent produces yellow to green apples, sometimes flushed with faint red tint, with creamy yellow flesh. The apples are well-flavoured, and although their taste is considered sharp by some, it is very refreshing. Appetizing when eaten raw, Apple Yellow Transparent is suitable for cooking and makes an excellent choice for purees, pies and making juice. Although it is good for drying and freezing, the fruit of this variety is not suitable for storing.
Height & Spread: Medium sized, with a spreading habit and a loosely branched crown, this attractive small tree will achieve a maximum height of approximately 4 metres.
When it comes to optimal growing conditions, Malus Domestica Yellow Transparent needs very little to thrive. This apple tree prefers loamy, well-drained soils that are rich in nutrients. Choose a sheltered spot in full sun for planting the tree, to ensure prolific fruit production and prevent late frosts damaging the blossoms. This cultivar is not self-fertile, which means it will need a pollination partner to bear an abundant crop of apples. Plant a different apple variety nearby to ensure cross-pollination, ideally a cultivar that blooms at approximately the same time, such as Alkmene or Cox’s Orange Pippin. In gardens where lack of space prevents you from providing a pollination partner, consider an alternative such as ‘family tree’ grafting or rely on cultivars from neighbouring gardens for pollen.
Apple Yellow Transparent is an antique variety that performs reliably in the garden. Fully hardy in the United Kingdom, this cultivar can adapt to the severest European climates. This variety has a good resistance to apple scab.
Easy to grow and to care for, Malus Domestica Yellow Transparent is a low-maintenance plant. To promote good health and prevent fungal diseases, keep the area around the trunk clear (at least a 60 centimetres radius) and prune annually. As this variety is suitable for all training forms, the method and time of pruning will largely depend on the tree’s shape.