Lavandula Intermedia Grosso
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Pot size: 2 Litres
Plant ID: 2275 C 64
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 4 Litres
Plant ID: 14584 64
Lavander Intermedia Grosso is large hybrid French lavender with a superb scent and strong growth habit. It’s often simply known as Lavander Grosso or Grosso Lavender. Lavander Grosso’s flower spikes will reach heights of 90 centimetres and it will spread roughly the same amount over the course of two to five years. The flower spikes are long, slender and finished with dense, rich purple tips in July and August. Its foliage is narrow and tinted grey–green. Foliage is scented all through the spring and autumn, even before the flowering season has begun and after it has finished. Lavander Grosso is one of the most aromatic of the lavenders, with a solid traditional scent.
How Hardy Is Lavandula Intermedia Grosso?
Lavenders are very hardy plants and Lavandula Grosso is no exception. It will grow and flower in low temperatures if the ground is well-drained to dry. No lavenders will thrive in damp earth, but a dry, sunny spot in your garden that flowering plants cannot tolerate is the perfect area for Lavandula Grosso. In these conditions it will spring back every year despite winter frosts and snow.
How To Use Lavandula Intermedia Grosso
Lavender has a multitude of uses and the Grosso variety is particularly good at filling large, dry spaces.
Used as an informal hedge the scent and colour will attract bees all summer long. It also makes a good partition for separate parts of the garden and is best placed where you can appreciate the scent - such as near a seating area, along a pathway or near the front door.
You can let Lavandula Grosso growly freely in a wildlife-friendly garden for a fabulous wild look or you can clip it into a spherical shape for more formal presentation.
Lavandula Grosso will grow happily in the soil or in containers. Try placing a clump outside an open window or patio door for the scent of summer even on chilly days. If you enjoy dried flowers you can strip the flower-heads for pot pourri.
How To Care for Lavandula Intermedia Grosso
Lavandula Intermedia Grosso will grow in any free-draining soil but it prefers alkaline and neutral conditions. If you have a clay-based garden dig it thoroughly to boost drainage.
Although mulching your lavender with manure will lead to floppy heads, a high potash feed will boost flowers. Lavandula Grosso will need some pruning to keep a neat shape. Cut back stalks after flowering but don’t remove the old wood.
Lavender is a must in any garden that supports wildlife and for gardeners that appreciate more than visual effects. Lavandula Grosso is a lavender best buy because its heady scent and vivid lilac colour not only supports wildlife it will boost your flower garden all summer long.