Hemerocallis Stella de Oro
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Pot size: 2 Litres
Plant ID: 7846 1
click to view this plant size >Daylily Hemerocallis Stella de Oro is a yellow flowering perennial as you might guess from the name. It produces fragrant showy flowers all summer long. It grows in a compact clump and likes full sun.
Hemerocallis Stella de Oro has an interesting story in its history as a daylily. Walter Jablonski, a turkey farmer and amateur plant breeder especially passionate about the Hemerocallis Family of plants, first introduced the Stella de Oro in 1975. It was the first long-blooming daylily hybrid, setting flowers sequentially from early spring through to autumn. The blooms last about 16 hours, which is a long time for this species to hold its flowers.
Hemerocallis is a sub-Family of the Xanthorrhoeaceae Family and Asparagales Order. They occur as either evergreen or herbaceous perennials, with narrow leaves and funnel-shaped flowers which bloom typically from late spring or early summer. The Stella de Oro Daylily is a deciduous, compact perennial that grows typically to 30-35 cm in height with a notable rounded, fragrant, yellow flower about 7 cm wide in mid-summer. It has a bushy growth habit, a typical ‘flower’ fragrance, and is considered a miniature daylily, with an ultimate spread of 40-60 cm. It has a strong winter dormancy period, allowing it to withstand extreme cold, to -150C and colder. The foliage appears again in the early spring.
Hemerocallis are considered a very good value for the money. Their strappy, grassy foliage adds structure and shape to borders. It’s often chosen for its charm over other daylilies that are larger in stature. Another main advantage is it will send another round of blooms from September and later. It is a great choice as a front of border type plant.
Hardy to Hardiness Zone H6, the Stella de Oro daylily prefers full sun, can be exposed or sheltered; and prefers an Aspect facing South or West. Not terribly picky on soil texture or pH, it only asks that the site be well-drained but moist. Any combination of clay, loam, sand, and chalk within the soil is fine as long as these two considerations are met. It isn’t terribly picky on pH, just avoid the extremes and aim for near neutral, slightly acid or slightly alkaline is fine.
Growing to an ultimate height of 0.1-0.5 metres and 0.1-0.5 metres in spread over its establishment time of 2-5 years, Hemerocallis Stella de Oro is certainly not overwhelming to the landscape, but provides a delicate grassy foliage and continuous blooming period throughout the season. Its vigorous growth habit in compact clumps make it a very popular selection, not only for its flowering habit but for its very low maintenance requirements.