Griselinia Green Horizon
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Pot size: 5 Litres
Plant ID: 8207 C 20
click to view this plant size >Griselinia Green Horizon, also known as New Zealand Privet Green Horizon, is a fast growing evergreen shrub with high salt tolerance. It is an excellent hedging choice. Green Horizon differs from other varieties of New Zealand Privet such as the more common Griselinia Litoralis, because its oval leaves are a darker, glossier green. This deeper colour is especially attractive and interesting in the winter months.
Griselinia Green Horizon grows upright and bushes out to form a dense hedge that acts as a barrier against breeze and noise. When planted in favourable growing conditions, New Zealand Privet will grow 60-90 centimetres a year and reach a maximum height of six metres by a three metre spread.
How Hardy Is Griselinia Green Horizon
Griselinia Green Horizon is extremely hardy down to temperatures of -10 once established. Newly planted young shrubs will benefit from protection against cold and drying winds, but once they are fully grown will withstand all but the harshest of Northern climates.
How To Use Griselinia Green Horizon
New Zealand Privet Green Horizon is an excellent evergreen hedging choice because it grows quickly and densely. To create a sturdy wind, noise and privacy barrier that’s also appreciated by nesting bird and small mammals, place individual shrubs roughly 75 centimetres apart. If you are in no rush you can space them further apart.
New Zealand Privet Green Horizon is also an interesting specimen plant and a good basis for topiary.
How To Care For Griselinia Green Horizon
Griselinia Green Horizon is hardy and self sufficient once it’s established. It prefers full sun or partial shade and well-drained moist soil, but it will grow in most conditions. Pinch out the tips of young plants to encourage bushiness and mulch them each winter to maintain optimum health.
If you want rapid height there is no need to trim the tips, simply cut back forward growth to keep the shrub tidy. Once Griselinia Green Horizon has reached the height you require, it can be trimmed regularly to keep the height manageable.
If you need a rapidly growing yet attractive hedge Griselinia Green Horizon is an excellent choice, particularly if you live in a coastal area. Its salt-tolerant, fresh and glossy leaves provide year round interest and privacy in return for little care. New Zealand Privet Green Horizon is a practical and attractive choice of evergreen hedge.