Escallonia Rubra Macrantha
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 3 Litres
Plant ID: 3244 64
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 10 Litres
Plant ID: 7812 64
An evergreen shrub, the Escallonia Rubra Macrantha grows to a height of 3.5 meters and a width of 3 meters. This variety has an upright growth habit and is one of the biggest of all the Escallonias. Exceptionally fast growing, it is a favourite hedge or screen plant. It averages a growth rate of 30 to 45 centimeters per year. The shrub can easily be maintained as a much smaller hedge plant with regular pruning and is often kept at a compact size of only 1 to 2 meters. Pruning should take place in the early spring with an additional light shearing mid-summer to maintain the desired shape.
From June to October, Escallonia Rubra Macrantha produces an abundance of bright pink or red tubular flowers that attract butterflies and bees to the garden. The flowers persist on the shrub until the first frost.
The foliage of the Escallonia Rubra Macrantha is bright mint green. Oval in shape, each leaf also carries a pleasing spicy aroma that is often more noticeable during the evening and morning hours.
An Escallonia rubra macrantha hedge grows well in a wide range of soil types and is not picky about pH levels. It prefers well-draining soil and does not tolerate saturated roots.
Unlike many other shrubs and hedge plants, Escallonia Rubra Macrantha Hedge Plants tolerate maritime conditions well and can even withstand heavy, frequent salt spray. An Escallonia Rubra Macrantha Hedge stands up well to heavy winds without breaking which makes it an ideal windbreak choice.
Escallonia rubra macrantha enjoys at least eight hours of sunlight per day. It can be grown in partial shade, but its growth is often stunted. The shrub does not grow well in full shade and may perish without adequate sunlight.
When planted as a shrub, it produces a dense wall of foliage that also makes a good sound barrier when planted between a home and a busy roadway. The thick growth muffles noise and creates not only visual privacy but also a substantial audio reduction.
Only somewhat cold-hardy, the Escallonia rubra macrantha can withstand a drop in temperature to -10 celsius. If an extreme cold is forecast, the shrub requires protection.
The Escallonia rubra macrantha does not like any root disturbances. Once planted it should not be transplanted or disturbed.
The popularity of the Escallonia rubra macrantha shrub is undeniable. It was first mentioned in literature back in 1922 in Virginia Woolf’s book Jacob’s Room.
Once established, the picturesque Escallonia rubra macrantha requires very little care to thrive. It is an ideal addition to any landscape or garden as a hedge plant or specimen shrub. The non-stop summertime display of flowers helps add colour to the garden when many plants cease to bloom.