Euonymus Japonicus Jean Hugues
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 5 Litres
Hedge Guide: 4 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 14785 C 114
LIMITED STOCK only 3 available
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Pot size: 10 Litres
Hedge Guide: 3 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 2305 64
click to view this plant size >Pot size: 2 Litres
Hedge Guide: 5 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 9523 1
click to view this plant size >Euonymus Japonicus Jean Hugues, more commonly known as Spindle Jean Hugues, is an attractive and practical alternative to box. Along with Ilex Crenata, it is fast becoming one of the ‘go-to’ shrubs for areas where box blight has become established.
Euonymus Japonicus Jean Hugues is a tough, versatile shrub perfect for low hedging, screens and sheltering spaces such as vegetable gardens or seating areas.
Spindle Jean Hugues’ branches are compact and dense with evergreen foliage that’s oval, toothed and points upright. Its early growth is a fresh light green which darkens into a strong, glossy forest green shade. Even though it is grown for foliage, in June to July it flowers producing four-petalled white blooms that are fragrant and attract bees. These flowers often turn into fruits in autumn.
Euonymus Japonicus Jean Hugues will grow to heights of two metres but it’s easy to keep at a metre or below.
How Hardy Is Euonymus Japonicus Jean Hugues?
Spindle Jean Hugues is hardy in all of the UK and will grow in any type of ordinary garden soil. Its dense, compact nature renders it tough and able to withstand windy areas.
Young shrubs recently planted out will benefit from some wind and frost protection. If you can provide this, it will enhance their growth over the coming years. Once established they will no longer require protection from the elements.
How To Use Euonymus Japonicus Jean Hugues
Euonymus Japonicus Jean Hugues is typically grown as a wildlife-friendly hedging plant. It grows slowly, densely and its evergreen nature ensures you have shelter all year round. It withstands coastal breezes, windy areas and makes a good screen for tender vegetables and flowers.
It’s an excellent stand alone plant for a container as it can be clipped and pruned into structural shapes. It also creates pleasing mid-height ground cover in larger gardens.
How To Care For Euonymus Japonicus Jean Hugues
Spindle Jean Hugues requires no special care once established. It’s drought tolerant and hardy against the elements. Planting one full sun will show off its colour, but it will grow in full shade too.
It’s best to keep Spindle Jean Hugues as a low hedge. Trim it back in May and again in September if you enjoy a very tight clipped look, but be aware that pruning before it’s flowered may remove the flower buds.
If you are looking for a hedging plant Spindle Jean Hugues is hard to beat. It’s attractive, tough, easy-to-care for and its slow growth habit is a firm favourite with time pressed gardeners. If you are struggling with box blight Euonymus Japonicus Jean Hugues is an excellent disease-free alternative.