Cornus Florida Cherokee Chief (Cherokee Chief Dogwood)
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Pot size: 110 Litres
Plant ID: 14820 2
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Cornus Florida Cherokee Chief
Cornus Florida Cherokee Chief (commonly known as Cherokee Chief Dogwood) is a beautiful ornamental tree that simply commands attention, somewhat like a Cherokee Chief.
It produces a profusion of lush ruby red flowers (or flower bracts) in April that slowly fade to a light pink. The new foliage emerges in bronze in spring, changing to glorious green as the summer progresses. It produces clusters of large edible red berries in autumn as the leaves turn a show-stopping burgundy red.
This is a small tree with an attractive branching growth habit, reaching a maximum height of circa 20 feet. Perfect for smaller gardens - where it will possibly become the star of the show!
Plant in a nice sunny spot and if possible, acidic soil.