Acer Pseudoplatanus Sycamore
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Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk height: 1.8 m
Trunk girth: 10-12 cm
Rootball - supplied without a pot
Plant ID: 3497 116
Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk height: 1.8 m
Trunk girth: 12-14 cm
Rootball - supplied without a pot
Plant ID: 3499 116
Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk height: 1.8-2 m
Trunk girth: 18-20 cm
Rootball - supplied without a pot
Plant ID: 3496 116
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk girth: 20-25 cm
Rootball - supplied without a pot
Plant ID: 15020 116
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Acer Pseudoplatanus, commonly known as the Sycamore tree, is a well-loved sight in the British countryside with its distinctive five pointed leaves. It is well known as a picturesque large tree and one of the best for exposed situations in any soil. Acer Pseudoplatanus is a large deciduous tree that is full of character and can reach over 25 metres within 20-50 years given optimum growing conditions, but it is most likely to reach 15 metres in height and 8 metres in spread when grown in gardens.
In summer the palmate five lobed leaves, often hairy on the underside, can measure seven to 16cms across. Younger trees often have red-bronze shoots that turn green as the leaves open. In spring racemes of pale-green and yellow flowers appear, turning into autumnal samaras that spin to the ground. In summer a mature Sycamore casts a heavy shade that is perfect for children and animals to shelter beneath, then in winter the leaves fall in a cascade of pale yellow and green leaving a particularly picturesque framework. We offer a multi-stem sycamore meaning it casts an interesting winter shape that is perfect for gardens needing height and structure.
How Hardy Is Acer Pseudoplatanus
Acer Pseudoplatanus is hardy throughout the UK and is one of the best to grow in exposed windy locations. It is often the first seed to establish itself on ploughed farmlands.
How To Use Acer Pseudoplatanus
This majestic tree is well loved and instantly recognisable, so it makes a perfect specimen tree in medium to large gardens where summer shade is needed. Children love the helicopter seeds and smooth grey bark that breaks and peels to reveal pinker shades beneath. You can grow woodland flowers in its shade such as hellebore and bluebell as well as shade loving ferns. Expect to spot nesting birds in its thick foliage.
Sycamore trees can be confused with Norway Maples which have similar leaves, but the latter Acer Platanoides have deeper toned autumnal foliage. The Sycamore is paler in comparison, and more reminiscent of the English countryside.
How To Care For Acer Pseudoplatanus
Acer pseudoplatanus is entirely self-sufficient once established and tolerant of any soil conditions. Your multi-stem sycamore will arrive as bare root trees ready for immediate planting, and in the first few years it will require regular watering in dry spells. A thick layer of well-rotted mulch around the base will enable it to develop strong roots.
If you want a piece of the English countryside in your garden and you have the space, this virtually indestructible beauty is the perfect low maintenance choice.