Acer Palmatum Aureum Japanese Acer
Distinctive Yellow Foliage
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Plant shape: Multi-stemmed
Pot size: 20 Litres
Plant ID: 14212 C 42
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 20 Litres
Plant ID: 12168 2
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Pot size: 80 Litres
Plant ID: 14213 2
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Acer Palmatum Aureum is a medium-sized deciduous Japanese Maple with yellow-toned foliage and bright red shoots. This a beautiful specimen tree.
Japanese Maples are native to Japan. Today, many cultivars exist. Aureum is the of the more established and is well-loved for its distinctive golden-yellow foliage. Japanese Maple Aureum is medium-sized with a bushy spreading habit. In spring, bright red shoots and pale-yellow pink-tinged foliage emerges. Young leaves mature to vivid lime-green leaves with 5-7 deeply divided lobes, developing to golden in full sun aspect over the summer. As autumn approaches, Aureum’s leaves take on a bright yellow colour, gradually turning golden-orange with red borders marking the edge. Leaves fall with the first frosts.
In mature specimens, small red flowers appear and if pollinated, turn to tiny black fruits.
This is an excellent choice for large sheltered borders and specimen trees in the lawn. Japanese Maple Aureum is a tried and tested favourite that doesn’t get too large while bringing a big hit of colour.
Height And Spread of Acer Palmatum Aureum
Japanese Maple Aureum reaches a maximum height of 4 metres and spreads over the same in 10-20 years.
How Hardy Is Acer Palmatum Aureum
If grown in well-drained soil in a sheltered spot this acer is hardy across the UK down to freezing temperatures.
How To Use Acer Palmatum Aureum
Acer Aureum is an excellent specimen tree. It suits large sheltered borders with other foliage plants or grandly occupies a space of its own in the lawn where its golden foliage can spread unrestricted.
Urban gardens in particular benefit from its medium size and glorious colour, but the pretty leaves and vivid shades suit all outdoor spaces - especially during autumn.
It’s not suitable for a container due to its height, but it suits large borders, rockeries, Japanese-style gardens, and wildlife-friendly low-maintenance spots.
How To Care For Acer Palmatum Aureum
Japanese Maple Aureum likes a well-drained sheltered spot that’s free from harsh, drying winds and frost pockets. Its leaf colour will look greener in shade but will turn more golden yellow in a full sun aspect.
Regular pruning is not advisable as it may ruin the shape but cut out any crossed or damaged branches in the winter months.
Water well until established and cover the roots in thick organic mulch before spring for the brightest colours.