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Cornus Florida Pluribracteata is a flowering dogwood with extra-large bracts, creating a striking appearance in spring with its beautiful white blossoms and attractive, glossy leaves.
Cornus Florida Pluribracteata, Flowering Dogwood Pluribracte
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Cornus Florida Rainbow - American Dogwood. Blooms in late spring with flowers surrounded by four stunning white bracts.
Cornus Florida Rainbow
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Cornus Florida Red Giant, or Flowering Dogwood, is a stunning tree with large, deep red bracts and white flowers, creating a dramatic display in spring followed by vibrant red fall foliage.
Cornus Florida Red Giant Flowering Dogwood
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Cornus Florida Sunset (Flowering Dogwood), UK
Cornus Florida Sunset
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Cornus Hongkongensis, or Hong Kong Dogwood, is a beautiful tree with glossy, dark green leaves and large clusters of white flowers, followed by vibrant red fruits, making it a standout in gardens.
Cornus Hongkongensis Hong Kong Dogwood
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Cornus kousa deciduous tree with white bracts
Cornus Kousa
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Cornus Kousa Big Apple is a striking deciduous tree with large, creamy-white flower bracts in late spring, followed by prominent, apple-sized red fruits and vibrant autumn foliage.
Cornus Kousa Big Apple Dogwood
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Cornus Kousa Cappuccino bracts in late Spring - early Summer, buy online UK
Cornus Kousa Cappuccino
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Cornus Kousa China Girl - summer flowering ornamental tree
Cornus Kousa China Girl
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in-situ image of the Cornus
Cornus Kousa Chinensis
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Cornus Kousa Milky Way, Chinese Dogwood Tree for sale at our London plant centre, buy online UK delivery
Cornus Kousa Milky Way (Chinese Dogwood)
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Cornus Kousa Miss Satomi tree, producing pink flowering bracts in June buy online with UK and Scotland delivery available.
Cornus Kousa Miss Satomi
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Cornus kousa Mount Fuji pink blushed flowers known as bracts which appear in the summer
Cornus Kousa Mount Fuji Japanese Dogwood
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Cornus kousa Roberts Selectie Chinese Dogwood with white flowers
Cornus Kousa Roberts Selectie Chinese Dogwood
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Cornus Kousa Schmetterling, is a profuse flowering ornamental dogwood tree. Buy online UK & Scotland delivery available.
Cornus Kousa Schmetterling
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Cornus Teutonia upright tree with white flowers
Cornus Kousa Teutonia Chinese Dogwood
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Cornus Kousa Weisse Fontaine
Cornus Kousa Weisse Fontaine Chinese Dogwood
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Cornus Kousa Wietings Select is an elegant deciduous tree featuring creamy-white flower bracts in late spring, followed by bright red fruits and rich autumn foliage, perfect for year-round interest.
Cornus Kousa Wietings Select Chinese Dogwood
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Cornus mas Cornelian Cherry tree with bright yellow flowers in early spring
Cornus Mas Aurea Cornelian Cherry
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Cornus Mas Cornelian Cherry Dogwood Tree, buy online UK from our London plant centre, UK nationwide delivery
Cornus Mas Cornelian Cherry
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Cornus Norman Hadden, flowering dogwood tree in late Spring
Cornus Norman Hadden Dogwood
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Cornus Officinalis Robin’s Pride or Japanese Cornelian Cherry with fabulous colour early in the year that will really brighten your garden, buy online UK.
Cornus Officinalis Robin's Pride
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Cornus Rutgersensis Aurora Flowering Dogwood
Cornus Rutgersensis Aurora Flowering Dogwood Aurora
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Cornus rutgersensis Stellar Pink hybrid dogwood with soft pink bracts
Cornus Rutgersensis Stellar Pink
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Cornus Sanguinea Annys Winter Orange Dogwood
Cornus Sanguinea Annys Winter Orange
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Cornus sanguinea or Common Dogwood
Cornus sanguinea Common Dogwood
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Mixed Dogwood Varieties in the Winter Landscape
Cornus Sanguinea Magic Flame
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Mixed Cornus in the Winter Landscape
Cornus Sanguinea Midwinter Fire
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Mixed Dogwood Varieties in the Winter Landscape
Cornus Sanguinea Winter Beauty Dogwood
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Cornus Flaviramea Dogwood in the Winter Landscape
Cornus stolonifera Flaviramea

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