Vaccinium Corymbosum Goldtraube 71 Blueberry
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 3 Litres
Plant ID: 8567 114
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Vaccinium Corymbosum Goldtraube 71 is a deciduous self-fertile High Bush Blueberry with large blueberries that ripen in July and August. Goldtraube 71 is said to be one of the tastiest and most reliable blueberries you can grow in the UK.
In spring, mid-green leaves appear on a dense bush of upright stems which gives Goldtraube 71 its other name ‘high bush blueberry’. These are quickly joined by pretty white flowers that are sweetly scented and hold the RHS Plants for Pollinators title.
Heavy crops of large dark blueberries appear in July and ripen to sweetness in early August. It's best to net them as birds and squirrels enjoy the sweetness too.
In autumn it’s foliage turns spectacular shades of orange and purple before falling with the frosts
Goldtraube blueberry is self-fertile which means you do not need another blueberry bush for fruits.
Height and Spread of Vaccinium Corymbosum Goldtraube 71
This is a well-shaped blueberry that’ll reach 150 cms x 150 cms. New branches grow from the centre each year but fruits are found on the previous year’s stems.
How Hardy Is Vaccinium Corymbosum Goldtraube 71
High bush blueberry is tough and hardy. It will withstand UK winters if grown in well-drained soil and re-appear every spring.
For the best flowers and fruits its best to grow Goldtraube Blueberry in a sheltered position.
How To Use Vaccinium Corymbosum Goldtraube 71
Goldtraube Blueberry makes a wonderfully tasty addition to a kitchen garden as it reliably fruits year upon year and its flowers attract pollinators that pollinate other garden fruits and veg.
It will grow happily in a well-fed and well-watered patio container where it brings both colour, scent and structure.
It can also grow as part of a flower bed as its foliage and flowers make it an attractive deciduous bush or shrub.
How To Care For Vaccinium Corymbosum Goldtraube 71
Goldtraube blueberry is a reliable fruiter in most conditions but it grows best in full sun or partial shade in acidic soil or ericaceous compost. Water it well during dry spells as water swells and helps ripen the fruits.
There is no need to prune this self-fertile blueberry but you can remove crossed or broken stems at the end of winter. Blueberries are produced on last summer’s stems so take care not to remove them all.
Water well throughout the year and in spring apply a thick layer of pine needles or bracken compost rather than manure or mushroom compost which is too alkaline for acid-loving plants.