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TopBuxus Grow

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Available Sizes to buy online All Prices Include VAT

Tub Size: 500 g

Plant ID: 4554 W 69

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TopBuxus Grow
TopBuxus Grow  cm buy online UK.

Tub Size: 500 g

Plant ID: 4554 W 69

Price: £7.99

Price: £7.99

Tub Size: 5 kg

Plant ID: 4555 WC 69

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TopBuxus Grow
TopBuxus Grow  cm buy online UK.

Tub Size: 5 kg

Plant ID: 4555 WC 69

Price: £34.99
Buy 2 for £64.99

Price: £34.99
Buy 2 for £64.99

Tub Size: 20 kg

Plant ID: 4556 C 69

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TopBuxus Grow
TopBuxus Grow  cm buy online UK.

Tub Size: 20 kg

Plant ID: 4556 C 69

Price: £85.00

Price: £85.00

What Is Box Blight?
Box blight is an airborne fungal disease that causes brown leaves, bare patches and dieback on box plants. The fungal infection disrupts water transportation inside the box plant which kills its cells. It’s become an increasing problem in the UK as our damp summers create the perfect conditions for fungal infections to thrive.

How Can TopBuxus Help?
Topbuxus is a range of products developed by a leading Dutch boxwood grower to prevent and fight box blight. The products are used in their own nursery with good results. 
The original Topbuxus Health Mix was developed when the growers realised spraying tonnes of fungicide onto their commercial box plants not only damaged the environment it came with no guarantee of prevention or cure. So together with Independent Research Institutes and the University of Wageningen they researched other ways to deal with blight instead.
Topbuxus products prevent and treat box blight to help recover your box without resorting to digging them up.
We stock Topbuxus Carpet, Grow and TopBuxusHealth Mix alongside our range of boxwood plants and recommend their use when you purchase our box plants

Topbuxus Grow
If you want a top quality fertiliser for your box plants Topbuxus Grow is a fast acting booster that encourages deep green leaves and healthy growth. 
Box grows three times a year in roughly April, June and August. During these growing phases it needs plenty of nutrients. This is not the usual way to fertilise plants and many fertilisers on the market are slow release or long-lasting versions. Box is special in that it needs a fast-acting fertiliser that keeps up with its growing patterns. 
Topbuxus Grow is specially designed to release its nutrients quickly, allowing the plant to take up everything it needs for healthy green growth.
The Grow formulation also has a different chemical ratio to other fertilisers as researchers have found the brightest, greenest box foliage has a high level of sulphur. In order to keep sulphur levels high, Topbuxus Grow has a substantial amount of sulphur among its ingredients. This prevents the wispy growth and yellow leaves that mar a box hedge or box ball. 
Grow formula is an easy to apply granular fertiliser that should be spread on the soil at a ratio of 50 grams per square metre. As with all fertilisers made for root absorption you should avoid getting any on the foliage as this can burn or discolour it. 
You can apply Topbuxus Grow at any time of the year, but ensure temperatures are above 15 degrees. Its best applied when the leaves begin a growth spurt which is usually April, June and August.

Topbuxus treatments are fairly new to the market. They offer beneficial prevention or treatment for box that doesn’t damage the environment. Until now diseased box would normally need digging up and burning, but Topbuxus treatments make it possible to save your beautiful box and re-grow bright green foliage over those brown desert patches. 

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