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Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea Golden Yew

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Available Sizes to buy online All Prices Include VAT
Height Excluding Pot: 80-100cm (2ft 7-3ft 3)

Plant shape: Freshly Potted

Pot size: 20 Litres

Hedge Guide: 2 Plants/Mtr

Plant ID: 7021 C 94

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Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea Golden Yew
Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea Golden Yew 80-100 cm buy online UK.

This image displays plant 80-100 cm tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 80-100cm (2ft 7-3ft 3)

Plant shape: Freshly Potted

Pot size: 20 Litres

Hedge Guide: 2 Plants/Mtr

Plant ID: 7021 C 94

Was £120.00
25% Off - Now £90.00

Was £120.00
25% Off - Now £90.00

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AGM plants have been through a rigorous trial and assessment programme by the RHS and are deemed:
                 Excellent for ordinary use in appropriate conditions/Available to buy/Of good constitution/Essentially stable in form & colour/Reasonably resistant to pests & diseases

Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea is more commonly known as Golden Irish Yew and is a relative of our native English Yew. This is a fully hardy, narrow columnar evergreen with beautiful yellow and green coloured foliage. Densely compact, this slow growing golden conifer has an upright habit and conical shape which adds interest to the garden all year round. This conifer has a beautiful architectural shape with a vertical accent. The dark green leaves have variegated golden patches. It prefers sun or partial shade. 

Aurea is the golden or variegated relative of Taxus Baccata Fastigiata, the green Irish Yew. Both have a similar growth habit, but the foliage colour differentiates the two. Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea has embellished our gardens since the 1750s. Also referred to Taxus Baccata Hibernica, it was discovered accidentally in County Fermanagh back in 1750 & through the centuries has graced many a church garden & graveyard. With its glorious golden colour and narrow vertical shape, these architectural qualities have long endeared it to British gardeners.

It is a slow-growing, compact and evergreen yew that brings shape and colour to the garden while taking up surprisingly little horizontal space, particularly while younger. In essence, an ornamental tree that makes an excellent focal point in any garden, small or large, due to its, dense, vertical growth habit and superb foliage colour.

When it comes to the soil, Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea is not fussy. This evergreen conifer will thrive in any well-drained soil. Golden Irish Yew is highly tolerant of urban pollution as well, so it is suitable for urban gardens. Robust and versatile, this ornamental conifer can survive temperatures up to -20 degrees. Golden Irish Yew is fully hardy in all of the UK, and its exceptional constitution and great performance in most gardens earned this cultivar the coveted Award of Garden Merit by Horticultural Society.
Generally considered a low-maintenance plant, Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea does not require routine pruning to stay in perfect form. If you want to shape this conifer, a light trim will be more than enough, as its natural upright, conical habit already makes Golden Irish Yew ideal for hedges and borders. 
Long-lived and with a slow growth rate, Golden Irish Yew can grow to be up to 4 metres tall and up to 2 metres wide. However, it takes up to 20 years for this spectacular plant to achieve its ultimate size. 
Grown for its attractive yellow-green foliage and beautiful columnar shape, Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea looks as stunning when planted en masse as when it is planted alongside other varieties of yew such as its dark green cousin Irish Yew. Golden Irish Yew also works well as evergreen hedging.

For more hedging options, see also our Native Yew Hedging Plants available now as rootballed and ready to plant.

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Height Excluding Pot: 1.25-1.5m (4ft 1-4ft 11)

Pot size: 20 Litres

Hedge Guide: 3 Plants/Mtr

Plant ID: 2733 2

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Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea Golden Yew
Taxus Baccata Fastigiata Aurea Golden Yew 1.25-1.5 m buy online UK.

This image displays plant 1.25-1.5 m tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 1.25-1.5m (4ft 1-4ft 11)

Pot size: 20 Litres

Hedge Guide: 3 Plants/Mtr

Plant ID: 2733 2

Was £235.00
25% Off - Now £176.25
Pay to pre-order this plant for delivery estimated by 01.09.2025

Was £235.00
25% Off - Now £176.25
Pay to pre-order this plant for delivery estimated by 01.09.2025

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