Robinia Pseudoacacia Casque Rouge
Robinia Pink Cascade
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Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk height: 1.8 m
Trunk girth: 6-8 cm
Pot size: 10 Litres
Plant ID: 13824 114
Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk height: 2 m
Trunk girth: 12-14 cm
Pot size: 90-110 Litres
Plant ID: 3626 64
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Robinia Standard Trees - variety Pink Cascade
Robinia pseudoacacia Casque Rouge or Robinia Pink Cascade is a small fast growing deciduous tree native to the USA. The Casque Rouge cultivar which will delight with its spring flowers, as well as providing attractive foliage throughout the growing season. Our specimens are formed and shaped as full standard trees - e.g. a bushy crown on a long clear stem, making them ideally suited for a focus of interest in the garden such as lining pathways or for above fence screening.
Native to eastern North America, Robinia pseudoacacia, or False Acacia is also known as Black Locust, and the species has been grown in the UK since the 1600’s. Robinia pseudoacacia Casque Rouge was bred at Princeton Nurseries in New Jersey, USA. Its thorny branches have pinnate leaves with up to 23 leaflets which are bronze-coloured when they first emerge, changing to a light green and then yellow in autumn. The main appeal of Robinia pseudoacacia Casque Rouge is the blossoms which emerge in late spring: the large, deep pink drooping clusters of lightly scented pea-like blossoms grow up to 20 cm long, followed by a second flush of flowers in mid-summer if the first flowers are pruned when they fade. Long brown seed pods develop in autumn.
Fully hardy in the UK, unpruned Robinia Pink Cascade will quickly grow to a mature height of 7 metres with a pyramid-shaped crown. To maintain the neat full standard tree shape, simply prune once per year in mid to late summer.
Plant Robinia pseudoacacia Casque Rouge in full sun in any well-drained soil. It will thrive in poor soil, and over-watering will lead to weak growth susceptible to wind. Robinia Pink Cascade will not tolerate wet soil, and is drought-resistant once established. In areas of high wind choose a sheltered location. It is salt-tolerant so can be used in coastal regions, and is also highly tolerant of pollution, so makes a great tree in cities. Deer-resistant, it can be planted on country properties without extra protection.
Use our standard specimens of Robinia Pink Cascade wherever you want a burst of intense colour in late spring when many other flowering trees have finished for the year. These hardy trees also make an excellent choice for a dry, difficult patch of ground where little else will thrive, and provide erosion control on a dry slope. On a larger country property, a grouping or row of Robinia pseudoacacia Casque Rouge will create a lovely picture in the landscape when in flower.
Robinia pseudoacacia Casque Rouge is a lovely tree which will thrive even in dry, difficult spots. Our standard specimens arrive with a clear stem and well-shaped crown, making them a perfect structural tree in the garden.