Rudbeckia Bravado
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Plant variety: Purpurea
Pot size: 1 Litres
Plant ID: 2376 1
A purple flowering variety of Echinacea Purpurea, Rudbeckia Bravado, also known as Coneflower Bravado (and synonymous with Echinacea Bravado), is a perennial treasured for its profuse display of blossoms during summer and autumn. A beautiful, low-maintenance addition to beds and borders, the blossoms of this variety are useful for cut flowers as well. Starting in the early summer through to autumn, Rudbeckia Bravado produces masses of purplish-pink flowers with orange, domed cones in their centre. Although, at first glance, the flowers look similar to other Echinacea Purpurea cultivars, they are larger and the petals are more open and upward facing. Its flowers are also attractive to bees and butterflies. With showier blossoms than those of its close relatives, Coneflower Bravado has the typical Rudbeckia foliage- the flowers are atop tall stems, which are covered by lance-shaped, coarse foliage.
Versatile and reliable, Coneflower Bravado needs very little to flourish. This flowering perennial thrives in full sun (although it tolerates partial shade, too), and moist, well-drained soil that is rich in humus.
Bred in South Carolina, this variety is fully hardy in Britain and Ireland. Resistant to frost, Coneflower Bravado can survive even in the areas where the temperature drops to -20 degrees. Since it’s not prone to diseases and rarely affected by pests, this cultivar is truly trouble-free and easy to grow.
When choosing a spot for your Rudbeckia Bravado, make sure it will leave enough space for it to mature, as this plant dislikes disturbance. When established, this perennial grows to be around 60 centimetres to 1 metre tall, and up to 50 centimetres wide. Although vigorous, with a clump-forming habit, this perennial is not considered invasive and requires no pruning. However, if you want to promote profuse blossoming, cut back the stems when the flowering season ends.
With dainty, rosy-purple flowers and remarkable vitality, this perennial is an ideal candidate for flower beds and borders. This perennial can be planted en masse for a showy display of purple blossoms, or combined with yellow flowering Echinacea varieties, which creates a bold, dramatic effect. The wildflower-like blossoms borne on tall stems can be cut throughout the summer and autumn, allowing you to add a splash of colour and freshness to your home, as well.