Pachysandra Terminalis Green Sheen
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Pot size: 0.5 Litres
Plant ID: 7518 1
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Pachysandra Terminalis Green Sheen, commonly known as Japanese Spurge Green Sheen, is a low growing evergreen ground cover plant valued by gardeners needing ground cover and much used by garden designers. Japanese Spurge Green Sheen is a useful variety of Pachysandra Terminalis. It spreads beneath the soil in rhizomes and develops into a carpet of deep green upright foliage with small green white flowers in early summer.
The leathery upright leaves are shiny, wet-looking and gather at the stalk’s tip in long ovate shapes that are roughly seven centimetres in length. The overall height of leaves and flowers generally reaches no more than 15 centimetres. Japanese Spurge Green Sheen is a good choice where a garden needs mat-like ground cover or under-planting. It’s been given the RHS Award of Garden Merit for its excellent garden benefits.
Pachysandra Terminalis Green Sheen Hardiness Levels
Pachysandra Terminalis Green Sheen is hardy in the UK withstanding frosts and cold temperatures. It is drought resistant and will thrive in most conditions except very shallow and chalky soils. Few pests or diseases affect Green Sheen, and it’s more tolerant of sun than other varieties of Pachysandra Terminalis.
How To Use Japanese Spurge Green Sheen
Pachysandra Terminalis Green Sheen is a popular under-planting sub-shrub. It spreads of its own accord but is easily pulled out if you want to minimise its growth.
Green Sheen will withstand shade as well as full sun so it suits banks or shady areas of the garden where sun-loving peers cannot survive. Try planting Japanese Spurge Green Sheen beneath brightly coloured shrubs to enhance their brighter shades and cover bare earth around leggy stems.
If your garden is frequented by uninvited cats, Pachysandra Terminalis Green Sheen can be grown to protect the soil. Its glossy green leaves will also form a weed-smothering carpet that’s essential for low maintenance gardens. In general, the greater the amount of Japanese Spurge Green Sheen you are able to grow, the better it looks.
How To Care For Pachysandra Terminalis Green Sheen
Pachysandra Terminalis Green Sheen needs little care. It thrives best in moist soil but will appreciate soaking in very hot conditions. It requires no pruning and older stems that have died can easily be pulled out by hand.
Pachysandra Terminalis Green Sheen is a practical yet classy choice of ground cover and makes an excellent alternative to mossy saxifrage. Its lacquer finish reflects light onto showier plants and its tough, thickly-leaved foliage prevents weed growth, deters cats and covers a shady bare area.
If any plant deserves the RHS Award of Garden Merit it’s the hardworking and unassuming Pachysandra Terminalis Green Sheen.