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Prunus Sargentii Charles Sargent Cherry Tree
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Pot size: 230 Litres
Plant ID: 11526 2
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Prunus sargentii Charles Sargent or Sargents Cherry Charles Sargent
The Prunus sargentii series of cherry cultivars is considered to have produced some of the most stunning cherry varieties. Prunus sargentii Charles Sargent, a new variety of Sargents Cherry, is particularly favoured by gardeners for its dramatic autumn colour and profuse display of blossoms in the spring.
During March to April, masses of single flowers completely envelop the wide crown of this ornamental tree. The blossoms, which are a most romantic, soft pink colour, last for up to 3 weeks and attract bees. Providing a contrasting backdrop for a profusion of flowers, the young leaves emerge bronze-reddish. As the seasons progress, the leaves will mature to green, and, in the fall, vibrant shades of red, orange and yellow. During the winter months, the glossy, chestnut brown bark offers interest.
Easy to grow and to care for, Sargents Cherry Charles Sargent will thrive in any soil, including chalk and sand, as long as it is well-drained. Even though this cultivar will tolerate a light dappled shade, for best results, choose a spot in full sun. Strong winds might damage the blossoms, so this ornamental tree benefits from a sheltered location. Native to Japan and Korea, this showy ornamental cherry tree can survive even if the temperatures drop to 20 degrees below zero. Considered of good constitution and performance, Prunus sargentii Charles Sargent is fully hardy in the United Kingdom.
As it develops, this cherry tree will form a columnar to a wide vase-shaped crown. Considered to have an average growth rate, Sargents Cherry Charles Sargent variety has a maximum height of 8 metres, making it a good choice tree for small gardens. It is rarely affected by any serious diseases and pests, and it does not require extensive pruning. Routine removal of dead or damaged shoots will keep the tree healthy and thriving.
The abundant flowering and extraordinary autumn foliage make Prunus sargentii Charles Sargent an ideal candidate for a specimen tree. Highly-decorative, this ornamental tree will offer interest throughout the year, with spring and autumn as its high points. Grow this cultivar near a patio to fully appreciate its attractive features, or in a mixed border for a dash of bold colors.
If you like Sargents Cherry Charles Sargent, you will be interested in our selection of showy cherry cultivars, such as Rosebud Cherry Autumnalis, Japanese Weeping Cherry, or Japanese Cherry Kanzan. See also our collection of ornamental and flowering trees as well.