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Pinus Resinosa Nana

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Plant shape: WIDE
Pot size: 20 Litres
Diameter: 60-70 cm
Plant ID: 3547 2
click to view this plant size >Pinus Resinosa Nana is a Dwarf Red Pine Conifer which can bring the desirable qualities of the usually massive red pine to small gardens. This small, slow-growing dwarf conifer can be used to great advantage as a landscape shrub.
Native to eastern North America, the Red Pine Conifer is a magnificent forest tree, but grows too large for the average garden, so Pinus Resinosa Nana is a good alternative. The Dwarf Red Pine forms a loose, upright flattened sphere or pyramid, with bright yellow-green needles up to 15 cm in length carried on branches covered in red-brown bark. Red-brown buds develop at the tips of branches. The decorative reddish cones of the Dwarf Red Pine remain on the tree for several years.
Fully hardy in the UK and across continental Europe, Pinus Resinosa Nana will slowly grow 5-8 cm a year to a mature height of 1.2 metres and spread of 1 metre. Prune only to remove dead or damaged branches. If planting as hedging space them 0.5 metres apart.
Plant Pinus Resinosa Nana in full sun or very light shade in a sheltered position with a south, east or west aspect in any very well-drained soil. It will not tolerate heavy shade or wet soil. Once established it is very drought-tolerant, so it is perfect for dry locations. The Dwarf Red Pine is very susceptible to both salt and pollution, so is not recommended for use in coastal or city gardens, but as it is deer-resistant, it makes a great choice for country gardeners!
Use Dwarf Red Pine as a foundation planting against a sunny south wall, or potted up in a container for a patio or courtyard garden, where its slow growth will be an advantage. In a sunny mixed border, its architectural shape will provide structure throughout the year, and add valuable winter interest and colour. With its preference for well-drained dry soil, Dwarf Red Pine is a natural choice for use in a rock or gravel garden. A low hedge of these slow-growing shrubs will delineate a space without cutting off a desirable view.
Pinus Resinosa Nana is an excellent shrub for small gardens, where its attractive evergreen foliage and slow growth habit will make it a worthwhile evergreen addition to the landscape! See also other Dwarf Pine varieties, such as Pinus Mugo Mops, Pinus Mugo Nana, Pinus Mugo Winter Gold and Pinus Mugo Pumilio. Lots more dwarf conifers in our collection of low-growing plants.