Malus Domestica Santana Apple
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Plant shape: ½ standard
Plant variety: Wonder Tree
Trunk height: 60 cm
Trunk girth: 4-6 cm
Pot size: 7.5 Litres
Plant ID: 10519 W 114
click to view this plant size > Malus Domestica Santana or Apple Santana
Malus domestica Santana is also referred to as Apple Santana. It was created in 1978 in the Netherlands at the University of Wageningen. The goal of creating the tree was to develop a fruit that featured low levels of specific proteins that are known to cause apple allergies in certain individuals. Apple Santana is exceptionally hardy and boasts a low susceptibility to diseases. It has what is known as a Vf gene that provides the tree with resistance to scab. The tree also features some resistance to canker.
During the spring months, Malus domestica Santana produces pretty pink blossoms that fade to white as the season progresses. After flowering, the tree starts to develop a bountiful crop of apples. Each apple is red-flushed over a greenish yellow background. The apples that are exposed to excessive sunlight tend to develop a greater red colouration. Normally, the fruit is ready to be picked mid-October. After harvest, the fruit can usually be stored for one to two months. The apples can be eaten fresh or used in cooking.
The flavour of the Apple Santana fruit is pure apple sweetness. The flesh is creamy yellow, crisp, and juicy. The fruit is exceptionally fragrant. It is an excellent dessert apple. The apples have the unique characteristic of being able to be eaten by individuals who are typically sensitive to apples. Approximately 75 percent of people who suffer from apple sensitivity can consume the fruit of the Malus domestica Santana without suffering any adverse reactions.
Plant Apple Santana in a location with full sun for the best growth. The tree will thrive in any well-draining soil. At planting time, it is advised that you mix ample organic material into the soil to help the tree establish its root system. Keep the soil evenly moist but not overly wet. In the late winter months, the tree benefits from pruning.
Malus domestica Santana is a mid-sized tree which makes it ideal for any backyard orchard. It has an upright, spreading habit. Unlike most apple trees, the Apple Santana is self-fertile. However, it benefits from being planted close to a pollinator and will tend to produce a more abundant crop. See also Malus Domestica Elise, another variety of low-allergen apple tree.