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Malus Domestica Golden Delicious Apple
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Plant shape: ¼ standard
Trunk height: 30-40 cm
Pot size: 5 Litres
Rootstock: m27 - Extreme Dwarfing
Plant ID: 13636 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: ¼ standard
Trunk height: 40 cm
Pot size: 7.5 Litres
Rootstock: m27 - Extreme Dwarfing
Plant ID: 13653 W 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: ½ standard
Trunk height: 1-1.1 m
Pot size: 7.5 Litres
Rootstock: m26 - Dwarfing
Plant ID: 13658 WC 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Fan Trained
Trunk height: 50 cm
Pot size: 7.5 Litres
Plant ID: 4324 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Frame 1m High x 1m Wide
Trunk height: 1.1-1.2 m
Pot size: 7.5 Litres
Plant ID: 10840 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: U-Shape
Pot size: 7.5 Litres
Rootstock: m26 - Dwarfing
Plant ID: 13690 C 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Double U-shape
Pot size: 50 Litres
Plant ID: 4327 2
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: ½ standard
Trunk height: 1 m
Trunk girth: 14-16 cm
Pot size: 70 Litres
Rootstock: m106 - Semi-Dwarfing
Plant ID: 4326 64
click to view this plant size >To check delivery cost add your plants to basket, then you can type your postcode in our Quick Delivery Price Check.

Malus Domestica Golden Delicious or Apple Golden Delicious, is possibly the single most popular apple in the world, but until you actually eat a fresh, ripe Golden Delicious apple from your own tree, you will not know how good this apple can actually taste! Whether used for fresh eating or in baking, this RHS Award of Garden Merit and Perfect for Pollinators recipient is a great choice for your home garden!
First discovered on a West Virginia farm in the 1890’s, Malus Domestica Golden Delicious was being grown in orchards by 1914, and introduced to the UK in 1926. In mid-spring, the tree blossoms forth with fragrant white flowers which will attract the bees that are necessary for pollination. The medium-green leaves will provide summer shade as the apples grow to their full size, reaching maturity in late October. The medium-sized apples are a green-gold colour, with crisp, juicy flesh and very sweet. Cut fruit does not brown as quickly as other apples. They can be stored until February, and are excellent for baking, as they hold their shape when cooked.
Hardy in most parts of the UK, Malus Domestica Golden Delicious will grow to a mature height and spread of 4-8 metres in 5 to 10 years. Since they are only partly self-fertile, it is best to plant them within a half mile of another apple tree from pollination group C such as Gala or Granny Smith to ensure a bumper crop of apples. Malus Domestica Golden Delicious is an excellent pollinator of other varieties as well. As with all apple trees, annual pruning in late winter or early spring is necessary.
Plant Malus Domestica Golden Delicious in full sun or partial shade in a sheltered position with a south or west-facing aspect in moist but well-drained sand, loam or clay soil with a neutral pH, and add plenty of well-rotted organic material. Apple Golden Delicious is well-suited to training as an espalier, cordon, or fan against a wall, both for ornamental purposes and to provide additional shelter if necessary. Trained this way, it makes an excellent container specimen for a sunny courtyard or patio. Like all apple trees, Malus Domestica Golden Delicious is perfect for informal country gardens or even a wildlife garden.