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Iris Sibirica or Siberian Iris

Vibrant Purple Flowering Perennial with Blue Green Foliage

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Available Sizes to buy online All Prices Include VAT
Height Excluding Pot: 10-15cm (0ft 3-0ft 5)

Pot size: 0.5 Litres

Plant ID: 13560 1

Buy 24 for £156.00
25% Off - Now £117.00
Note: This plant can only bought in set of plants.

Height Excluding Pot: 10-20cm (0ft 3-0ft 7)

Plant variety: Black Knight

Pot size: 0.5 Litres

Plant ID: 13564 1

Buy 24 for £180.00
25% Off - Now £135.00
Note: This plant can only bought in set of plants.

AGM plants have been through a rigorous trial and assessment programme by the RHS and are deemed:
                 Excellent for ordinary use in appropriate conditions/Available to buy/Of good constitution/Essentially stable in form & colour/Reasonably resistant to pests & diseases

RHS AGM-winning Iris Sibirica is a deciduous perennial with vibrant purple silver-edged flowers in spring. It’s best grown in clumps in a moist but sunny border or near the water’s edge.

Siberia Iris is native to Europe and Central Asia. It has long blue-green strappy leaves and a tall stem topped with small but vibrant silver-margined purple-blue flowers. Its foliage emerges in late spring and its glorious flowers bloom from May to June just before Bearded Iris.

This iris is rightly popular for its vigorous growth habit, but delicate multi-hued flower display in a period that’s traditionally quiet for colour.

Iris Siberica is a superb choice for water’s edge or damp, mixed flower borders that receive plenty of sun.

Height and Spread of Iris Sibirica
Siberian Flag Iris dies to ground level during winter but resurrects to a metre high by 30 centimetres wide each spring.

How Hardy is Iris Sibirica?
This is a tough plant that copes with freezing temperatures. It’s rarely bothered by pests or diseases.

How To Use Iris Sibirica
Versatile Iris Siberica is best in the middle of a mixed border, where it always puts on a show. Its purple flower spikes attract attention and draw in pollinators, especially bumble bees that can easily access its open flower heads.
It’s an excellent landscaping plant grown in clumps plus it creates a splash of vivid purple on slopes, hillsides, and pathways borders too. Many folks choose to plant Siberian Iris near a pond because it enjoys consistently moist soil.

How To Care For Iris Siberica
Iris Siberia is not a fussy plant. It grows in the majority of well-drained soils in full sun or dappled shade, but for the best results ensure moist soil throughout the spring and summer months.
After three to four years, an iris clump may appear woody. To refresh it, dig up the whole clump and split it in half with a sharp spade. Replant the two sections and keep them well watered.
This is a perennial plant that dies back each winter, so pruning isn’t necessary. Apply a thick layer of well-rotted mulch to the base in early spring for the most handsome flower show.

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