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Deutzia Magnifica

White Flowering Shrub

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Available Sizes to buy online All Prices Include VAT
Height Excluding Pot: 80-100cm (2ft 7-3ft 3)

Plant shape: Bush

Pot size: 10 Litres

Plant ID: 11086 64

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Deutzia Magnifica
Deutzia Magnifica 80-100 cm buy online UK.

This image displays plant 80-100 cm tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 80-100cm (2ft 7-3ft 3)

Plant shape: Bush

Pot size: 10 Litres

Plant ID: 11086 64

Was £60.50
25% Off - Now £45.38

Was £60.50
25% Off - Now £45.38

Height Excluding Pot: 1-1.25m (3ft 3-4ft 1)

Plant shape: Bush

Pot size: 10 Litres

Plant ID: 12256 64

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Deutzia Magnifica
Deutzia Magnifica 1-1.25 m buy online UK.

This image displays plant 1-1.25 m tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 1-1.25m (3ft 3-4ft 1)

Plant shape: Bush

Pot size: 10 Litres

Plant ID: 12256 64

Was £66.00
25% Off - Now £49.50

Was £66.00
25% Off - Now £49.50

Height Excluding Pot: 1.75-2m (5ft 8-6ft 6)

Plant shape: Bush

Pot size: 18 Litres

Plant ID: 14981 64

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Deutzia Magnifica
dema 1.75-2 m buy online UK.

This image displays plant 1.75-2 m tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 1.75-2m (5ft 8-6ft 6)

Plant shape: Bush

Pot size: 18 Litres

Plant ID: 14981 64

Was £140.00
25% Off - Now £105.00

Was £140.00
25% Off - Now £105.00

Height Excluding Pot: 60-80cm (1ft 11-2ft 7)

Plant shape: Bush

Pot size: 18 Litres

Plant ID: 13379 64

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Deutzia Magnifica
Deutzia Magnifica 60-80 cm buy online UK.

This image displays plant 60-80 cm tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 60-80cm (1ft 11-2ft 7)

Plant shape: Bush

Pot size: 18 Litres

Plant ID: 13379 64

Was £143.00
25% Off - Now £107.25

Was £143.00
25% Off - Now £107.25

For OVERSIZED Plant Orders delivery will be one charge of £60 for Greater & Outer London or £95 or £145 for selected Further Distance postcodes. To check delivery cost add your plants to basket, then you can type your postcode in our Quick Delivery Price Check.

Deutzia Magnifica is a deciduous shrub with tall arching branches and stunning sprays of tiny double white flowers in spring. It is best planted in a mixed border and is a very suitable plant for growing in pots

Deutzia are native to Asia where they grow in woodlands and on scrublands. They were introduced to the UK centuries ago and have thrived in our climate. The Magnifica cultivar is a cross between D. scabra and D. vilmoriniae and bred to be a quick grower with erect branches.

In winter Deutzia Magnifica holds up stiff sprays of grey-brown branches which are covered with opposite toothed ovate to oblong bright green leaves in early spring. The foliage has tactile hair on its undersides and is soon followed by a profusion of gloriously scented double-white frilly flowers in late spring and early summer.

Height And Spread of Deutzia Magnifica
Over 5-10 years Deutzia Magnifica can grow to 2.5 metres in height and several metres in spread.

How Hardy Is Deutzia Magnifica
If its roots are well-drained Deutzia Magnifica can tolerate freezing UK winters. Pests are not usually a problem and it enjoys full sun.

How To Use Deutzia Magnifica
Deutzia Magnifica creates a gloriously late spring show with a profusion of smothering white flowers along its branches that attract pollinators during the day and night. It holds onto its flowers for two weeks and then retreats into the background during mid-to-late summer. Its mid-green summer leaves create a natural background for summer flowering shrubs and provide shelter for birds.

Deutzia suit a country-style garden and have such a beautiful scent it’s worth planting one by a window or a bench to properly appreciate it. Deutzias are a big draw for wildlife gardens and because they draw in so many early pollinators they’re a good companion plant for orchards and early-flowering fruit bushes.

How To Care For Deutzia Magnifica
Deutzia Magnifica needs a sheltered spot in full sun and will struggle to flower in shade. Near a south or west-facing wall where it can soak up early spring sunshine best.
It will grow in the majority of soils including chalk if it’s well-drained but does need to be kept moist. Water it in hot spells and add a thick layer of mulch to the roots in early spring to provide nutrients and trap moisture. 
Carry out an annual prune after flowering. Deutzias flower on the previous year’s growth and early pruning gives them time to regenerate enough growth to hold flowers in the next year.
Cut out damaged, dead, or diseased branches and trim back the remaining branches to strong young shoots further down. Once a year you can remove around 20% of its old stems at ground level to invigorate the shrub and boost its flowering potential.

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