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Agapanthus Twister African Lily

Bicoloured Blue and White Blooms

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Available Sizes to buy online All Prices Include VAT
Height Excluding Pot: 30-40cm (0ft 11-1ft 3)

Pot size: 10 Litres

Plant ID: 10357 64

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Agapanthus Twister African Lily
atw 30-40 cm buy online UK.

This image displays plant 30-40 cm tall.

Height Excluding Pot: 30-40cm (0ft 11-1ft 3)

Pot size: 10 Litres

Plant ID: 10357 64

Was £75.00
25% Off - Now £56.25

Was £75.00
25% Off - Now £56.25

Height Excluding Pot: 10cm (0ft 3)

Pot size: 0.5 Litres

Plant ID: 11404 1

Buy 24 for £240.00
25% Off - Now £180.00
Note: This plant can only bought in set of plants.

AGM plants have been through a rigorous trial and assessment programme by the RHS and are deemed:
                 Excellent for ordinary use in appropriate conditions/Available to buy/Of good constitution/Essentially stable in form & colour/Reasonably resistant to pests & diseases

Agapanthus Twister is a semi-evergreen perennial with two-tone blue and white flowers that suits borders or plant containers. It holds the RHS AGM. A show-stopper variety, this is a superb coastal plant with long flowers on stalks in shades of either blue or white that grows happily in clumps.

Agapanthus are native to South Africa and the cultivar Twister is an especially eye-catching variety with bi-coloured trumpet blooms. Sometimes called African Lily, Twister it’s a compact agapanthus variety that grows in a neat clump-forming mound.

It has long lance-shaped strappy green leaves that remain on the plant in milder areas of the UK. In spring, fresh green growth appears followed by large white and blue flowers on sturdy stems during July to September. Blooms grow in large clusters and last for weeks.  

African Lily Twister is one of the few plants that really thrives in a container as it likes restricted root space. When grown in open areas with a free root run it may take longer to flower.

Height And Spread of Agapanthus Twister
African Lily Twister will reach 50 cms by 50 cms.

How Hardy Is Agapanthus Twister
This is a hardy plant if its roots are well-drained and it receives plenty of summer sun. In colder climates covering the crown with mulch throughout winter helps protect it from frost.

Agapanthus are rarely bothered by pests and can tolerate some drought.

How To Use Agapanthus Twister
For the best displays grow African Lily Twister in clumps in a sunny flower border or fill summer pots to brighten up a dull patio. It can also make a striking ground cover alternative.

This is an unusual white and blue flower that adds a different shade to the flower border in late summer.

How To Care For Agapanthus Twister
African Lily Twister likes full sun in most types of soil. It prefers a sheltered spot so the flowers are protected from winds.

For the best flowers constrict the roots. If you want to grow agapanthus in a border and they struggle to flower there dig them up, replant in a container and bury the container. Container grown specimens need plenty of water in the hot months and a monthly feed of liquid fertiliser to the roots during the growing spell.

Mulch the crowns over winter or put pot grown plants in a greenhouse or against a wall lifted off the ground.

When clumps get too big divide them as perennials with a sharp spade through the root ball to revitalise the foliage and flowers.

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