Acer Palmatum Ueno Yama
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Pot size: 35 Litres
Plant ID: 5995 2
click to view this plant size >Pot size: 110 Litres
Plant ID: 5999 2
click to view this plant size >Pot size: 180 Litres
Plant ID: 14809 2
click to view this plant size >For OVERSIZED Plant Orders delivery will be one charge of £60 for Greater & Outer London or £95 or £145 for selected Further Distance postcodes. To check delivery cost add your plants to basket, then you can type your postcode in our Quick Delivery Price Check.
Acer Palmatum Ueno Yama is a lesser-known acer of the palmatum family that originates from Chinese, Japanese and Korean regions. It’s alternatively called Acer Palmatum Ueno Homare, Ueno-No-Homare or the Japanese Maple Ueno Yama. Most Japanese maples produce seasonal colour in spectacular blazes, but the Ueno Yama begins theirs earlier than most, being one of the first to leaf. These early five-lobed leaves dazzle in a bright yellow hue with orange edging and bring a welcome change from the dull winter landscape. As summer approaches the leaves transform into a bright green often retaining their orange edge. During autumn the foliage gradually lights up into a spectacular bright orange-yellow display.
Acer Palmatum Ueno Homare Hardiness Levels
The Japanese Maple Ueno Yama is hardy in all UK climates, and is one of the easiest to care for. It is surprisingly tolerant of most garden soils but will flourish best in moist, well-drained earth that is more acidic than alkaline. When kept out of water-logged conditions an Acer Palmatum Ueno Yama will easily withstand sub-zero temperatures.
How To Use Acer Palmatum Ueno Homare
Acer Palmatum Ueno Homare is a compact upright tree that works best as a specimen plant, particularly when positioned so evening sun can light up its spectacular foliage. It also does well in containers, and this gives you the added benefit of moving them to the best evening sun spots, or even next to a pond which will reflect the foliage.
An upright growth habit makes a Japanese Maple Ueno Yama suitable for small to medium-sized gardens and adds interest at tricky mid-height areas. Its final height can measure up to five feet by three feet wide.
How To Care For Your Japanese Maple Ueno Yama
Although Acer Palmatum Uemo Yama is more forgiving than other Japanese maples, young foliage may be damaged by dry soil or scorched by too much exposure to sun or frost, so it’s best to plant them in dappled shade. All Japanese Acers need some protection from the wind to retain their spectacular foliage, so shelter your young Ueno Yama from cold gusts too.
When planting Japanese Maple Ueno Yama in your garden ensure the soil is free-draining. In containers you should use loam-based free draining compost. Re-pot every two to three years in April or September.
During the winter Japanese maples in pots may suffer root damage from harsh frosts, but you can avoid this by placing bubble-wrap around the container.
Pruning is not necessary, but remove crossed stems or broken branches in autumn after the foliage has dropped. You may want to turn that dropped foliage into leaf-mould compost for spring feeding.
The Acer Palmatum Uemo Yama is an eye-catching, vigorous and incredibly hardy investment for a medium-sized garden that needs a splash of mid-height colour.