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Acer Palmatum Going Green Japanese Maple
Small Slow Growing Japanese Maple Variety
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 1.5 Litres
Plant ID: 14326 WC 114
click to view this plant size >Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 9 Litres
Plant ID: 11744 WC 42
click to view this plant size >LIMITED STOCK only 4 available
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Plant shape: Freshly Potted
Pot size: 9 Litres
Plant ID: 10906 C 42
click to view this plant size >LIMITED STOCK only 13 available
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Acer Palmatum Going Green is a small deciduous acer with bright vibrant green stems and green foliage. It’s a pretty specimen tree that suits mixed sheltered borders.
Acer Palmatum are better known as Japanese Maples. There are many different cultivars bred from the native Japanese variety. Going Green was bred by Van Son & Koot of Holland in 2013 for its striking green appearance. This is an unusual acer for its lobed lime green leaves that emerge in early spring and turn vibrant lime green over the summer months. As with most Japanese acers its foliage turns fiery shades of orange and red in autumn but when it falls it reveals unusual lime green ornamental stems similar to bamboo.
Japanese Maple Going Green is popular rightly for its intensely green leaf shades, neat shape, and fresh green winter stems. It’s an all-season choice and particularily useful where space is limited.
Height and Spread of Acer Palmatum Going Green
Japanese Maple Going Green is a fairly small acer that reaches a maximum height and spread of two metres.
How Hardy Is Acer Palmatum Going Green
If its roots are well-drained Going Green is fully hardy in the UK, but it needs shelter from the harsh sun and drying winds. Pests don’t usually bother Japanese acers.
How To Use Acer Palmatum Going Green
The spectacular bright green colours and small size of Japanese Maple Going Green make it an excellent specimen acer for containers on a patio, decking, or balcony. It suits an all-season rockery, Japanese garden, urban courtyard, or in a mix of other foliage plants in a leafy, low maintenance border. It’s a perfect foil for brightly coloured foliage plants including Summer Gold and Blood Good acers and the stems hold their own against vibrant winter dogwood.
How To Care For Acer Palmatum Going Green
Japenese Maple Going Green is an easy-to-grow, tolerant acer. It prefers neutral to acid soils that are moist but well-drained and because winds or strong sunshine can scorch the foliage, a sheltered spot in partial shade is best.
Unless the branches are crossed or damaged pruning isn’t necessary because it naturally holds an attractive airy shape. Dormant winter months are the best time to carry out any pruning.
Water well in hot spells and mulch the roots in spring for the best foliage display and again in autumn to protect its roots against drying out. Container-grown acers should be placed on feet to promote drainage and ensure roots don’t freeze in winter.