Alnus Incana Laciniata Grey Alder
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Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk height: 1.6-1.7 m
Trunk girth: 8-10 cm
Rootball - supplied without a pot
Plant ID: 4893 100
Plant shape: Full standard
Trunk height: 1.8 m
Trunk girth: 10-12 cm
Rootball - supplied without a pot
Plant ID: 4892 100
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Alnus Incana Laciniata is also known as the Grey Alder Laciniata. It was introduced from France in 1820s as an ornamental, cut-leaved version of common alder with a pyramidal crown that suits wet, boggy grounds.
In spring the finely cut foliage begins to appear, quickly taking shape and filling out the crown. Leaves are mid to dark green on the top and grey beneath. The two-tone colouring and feathery, graceful appearance of its foliage makes this an unusual tree. In summer male and female catkins burst through. The male catkins grow to seven centimetres in length and are purple-toned with yellow pollen, whilst the female catkins are small, greenish and inconspicuous. Following the catkins small green-brown cones develop around September and remain in place for most of winter, even after the yellow-toned autumn foliage has dropped.
Grey Alder Laciniata is a fast growing tree that can reach heights of 20 metres in 20-50 years depending on the soil conditions.
How Hardy Is Alnus Incana Laciniata
This alder is hardy throughout the UK tolerating and enjoying moister soils. It is a good choice for temporarily flooded areas and parts of the garden than don’t dry out completely. It can withstand exposed situations and poor soils.
How To Use Alnus Incana Laciniata
Alnus Incana Laciniata is a great choice for wet ground as it thrives in moist, damp soil. It is one of the few trees than can withstand consistently damp ground. This cultivar is smaller in height than the common alder, making Laciniata more suitable for mid-sized gardens. It looks unique as a specimen tree in the lawn or alternatively, because this alder is pollution tolerant, you could plant several along a wide fence-line to form a summer-time barrier against a road or overlooked situation.
Its catkins and cones are popular with wildlife, and the thick canopy of dissected leaves offer protection for nesting birds.
How To Care For Alnus Incana Laciniata
Very little care is need for established specimens that are able to tolerate dry and wet conditions, exposed situations and pollution. Grey Alder Laciniata is not fussy about soil type or pH, happily growing in any garden soil.
Younger trees will appreciate a thick layer of rotted manure in the spring, and pruning of any broken or crossed branches can be carried out in the winter months once the foliage has fallen.
Alnus Incana Laciniata is a unique tree. It is one of the toughest around, and certainly one of the few than will thrive in damp ground. Alongside its tough nature the ornamental foliage and interesting catkins makes it a beautiful but hardy choice for any garden struggling with damp or less than ideal conditions.