Acer Palmatum Red Pygmy
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Plant shape: Bush
Pot size: 110 Litres
Plant ID: 950 W 42
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Acer Palmatum Red Pygmy is an excellent Dwarf Red Acer cultivar with feather-like, narrow, strap-like lobed leaves, divided to the base (Linearilobum). Japanese Acer Red Pygmy is hardy and very popular Acer. It naturally forms a lovely rounded shape and is one of the best of the smaller red lace-leaf cultivars.
Japanese Acers have great variation in leaf colour and Acer Palmatum Red Pigmy is no exception. In spring the young shoots emerge red. As the summer progresses Red Pygmy leaves hold their red colour very well, even in very hot weather. In later summer, the foliage takes on a purple hue. In autumn, the lace-like leaves of turn from purple red to a bright vibrant orange.
In addition to its dwarf size and vibrant red foliage, the narrow lace-like leaf shape gives a beautiful transparency. The red leaves generally have seven lobes. As the narrow leaf lobes are divided to the base (Linearilobum) and are on short stalks, this gives Acer Red Pygmy its striking lace-like cascading good looks.
This variety prefers a partially shaded spot in well drained soil. It must be protected from harsh winds. Red Pygmy can also be successfully grown in a container planter but does need to be kept moist.
Acer Palmatum Red Pygmy is a slow grower and will eventually reach a maximum height and spread of 3 metres. The natural form becomes more round as the tree matures. After 10 years, it will reach 1.5 metres.
These smaller maples naturally shape themselves into available space and with additional shaping can be made to measure for limited spaces. All the lower growing lace-leaf cultivars work well in mixed plantings and / or as a companion to Japanese Acer Red Pygmy. Try pairing Acer Palmatum Katura or Acer Palmatum Little Princess. Take a look also at Acer Palmatum Shishi-gashira, another red smaller size Japanese maple.
The splendid variety was introduced by Esveld of the Netherlands and received the Award of Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society in 1969, a sure sign that it will perform well in most gardens.