Pinus Nigra Green Tower
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Pot size: 25 Litres
Plant ID: 13278 12
click to view this plant size >Pot size: 30 Litres
Plant ID: 7658 12
click to view this plant size >Pot size: 45 Litres
Plant ID: 6429 12
click to view this plant size >Pinus Nigra Green Tower
As the name suggests, Pinus Nigra Green Tower is a fastigiated or narrow pillar-like upright pine. It has deep green, fairly long needles, growing in pairs.
This upright, slow growing evergreen tree will reach about 1.8m in height after 10 years. It is very compacted and is often used as a narrow hedging, mixed borders as an evergreen feature, or by itself as main point of interest in the garden with its ‘exclamation mark’ shape punctuating the garden. Its narrow upright growing habit means this is an attractive conifer that works well in smaller gardens or where space is limited.
It has all the hardiness you would expect from the Austrian Pine Pinus Nigra Austriaca and should do well even in windy, coastal areas. Pinus Green Tower deals very well with strong winds and extreme cold.
Pinus Nigra Green Tower likes full sun and it will grow well in any soil conditions.