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Spear and Jackson Pressure Sprayer 5 Litres

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Weight: 5 Litres

Product Type: Pressure Sprayer

Plant ID: 9499 WC 93

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Spear and Jackson Pressure Sprayer 5 Litres
Spear and Jackson Pressure Sprayer 5 Litres   buy online UK.

Weight: 5 Litres

Product Type: Pressure Sprayer

Plant ID: 9499 WC 93

Price: £19.99

Price: £19.99

Spear and Jackson Pressure Sprayer 5 Litres D66083

Spear and Jackson Pressure Sprayer 5 litre is a pump-action sprayer for the garden. It has an adjustable nozzle, shoulder strap, and a 1.3 metre wand.
This best seller is made from tough plastics that can survive garden conditions. Its fully adjustable wand nozzle sprays or mists plain water, liquid fertiliser, or pesticides and it has a trigger locking mechanism for continuous spray. 

The ergonomic wand measures 560 mm and the flexible hose adds 1.3 metres to help reach difficult areas or hanging baskets.  

The bottle is translucent with litres and fluid ounce measurements printed on the side. When full it weighs 5.40 kgs and has a handy adjustable shoulder strap for ease of use. 

Simply pump the handle to build pressure and liquid sprays from the wand.

This is easy to use straight from the box and makes spraying your fruit, veg, or garden fence a breeze. 

Lots more handy gardening tools in our plant accessories section.

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