Outdoor Ivy Privacy Screens - variety Hedera Helix Woeneri
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Plant shape: Frame 1.2m wide x 1m high
Plant variety: LIMITED OFFER
Hedge Guide: 1 Plants/Mtr
Plant ID: 10097 42
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Outdoor Ivy Instant Living Privacy Screens
When you need privacy screening quickly, these lightweight, slimline instant walls of green are a great solution. A low-maintenance, evergreen dense privacy screen that is wildlife friendly too.
Evergreen Ivy is a naturally vigorous climbing plant that will grow anywhere and Hedera Helix Woeneri is no exception. Commonly known as Woeneri Ivy, our instant screens have been trained over time on narrow steel frames with the aim of providing evergreen screening. Due to the narrow frames, these ivy hedging screens take up little lateral space.
The variety Woeneri is a vigorous climber with large three-lobed leaves that are a glossy dark green. In winter, the foliage is flushed dark purple. As with other ivy varieties, Woeneri produces small clusters of tiny yellow-green flowers in autumn, sometimes followed by black fruit.
Height And Spread of Hedera Helix Woeneri
As these outdoor privacy screens are trained over frames, it’s easy to keep them clipped to the size you need, with a trim once or twice per year. Ivy responds very well to clipping.
How Hardy Is Hedera Helix Woeneri
Our outdoor privacy screens are very hardy in most places in the UK down to minus 10 degrees. This is a low maintenance plant.
How To Use Hedera Helix Woeneri
These living ivy screens were made for privacy screening, especially for smaller or narrower spaces. The wildlife will thank you - the flowers, although insignificant to look at, attract the late autumn pollinators.
How To Care For Hedera Helix Woeneri
Ivy is generally a low maintenance climber. In terms of aspect, it is not fussy and is one of the few plants that will grow in full sun, full shade or dappled shade. In terms of soil preference, fertile, humus-rich alkaline soil is best. That said, it will also grow in acidic soils. Water well until established.