Ligustrum Sinense Eugene Clive Chinese Privet
Dwarf Privet with Small Neat Leaves
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Ligustrum Sinense Eugène Clive is an evergreen dwarf privet and a good alternative to box. It suits low hedges, topiary and rock gardens.
Ligustrum Sinense is more commonly known as Chinese Privet and as its name suggests is native to China. It was introduced to Europe in the 1800s and has grown well in UK conditions due to its hardy nature. The cultivar Eugène Clive is an upright variety of Chinese Privet with very small glossy green leaves on strong bendy stems. It remains glossy all year round and may develop tints of orange in the winter months. If left unpruned small white sweetly scented flowers will appear in June and July followed by small black berries. Pollinators adore the small flowers of Chinese Privet.
Height And Spread of Ligustrum Sinense Eugène Clive
Chinese Privet Eugène Clive will grow to a height of 1 metre and spread over 1 metre in 10 years.
How Hardy Is Ligustrum Sinense Eugène Clive
Chinese Privet often grows at altitude in the wild so it is very hardy if the roots are well drained. It will tolerate minus temperatures and some drought once established and is rarely bothered by pests or disease.
How To Use Ligustrum Sinense Eugène Clive
Chinese Privet Eugène Clive is a good alternative to Buxus Sempervirens in buxus-blighted areas.
It’s a perfect choice for low, thick hedging, topiary, wildlife friendly spaces and rock gardens. Chinese privet is salt tolerant too so it will grow in coastal areas in exposed locations. If well-watered and fed Chinese privet is suitable for growing in a plant pot or container and provide year-round colour.
How To Care For Ligustrum Sinense Eugène Clive
This tough little shrub needs little care once established. It will grow in the majority of well drained soils and is not fussy about pH. Both sheltered or exposed locations are tolerated and it will grow in full sun to partial shade.
You don’t need to prune Chinese Privet Eugène Clive. It grows to about a metre in a shaggy bush if left untouched and will flower profusely. If you want to maintain the size and shape as hedging or topiary then clip it once or twice a year. Complete the first clip after it has flowered and again later in the year to tidy up straggly stems. Mulch well and water until established.