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Buddleia Blue Chip

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Buddleia Blue Chip
Buddleia Blue Chip is a dwarf and compact version of the Buddleia shrub. It is also referred to as the butterfly bush because it tends to attract a large array of butterflies to the garden. The carefree little shrub also brings a profusion of songbirds and bees who seek the sweet nectar of its flowers.

During the summer months, Buddleia Blue Chip produces a profusion of fragrant blue flowers throughout that persists from June right up until September. Its bluish-purple flowers stand out in stunning contrast against the silvery foliage.

Blue Chip's petite size makes it ideal for any garden or landscape. This beautiful little specimen will only reach a maximum of 60 to 80 cm in height and width which makes an ideal shrub for patio containers or long term borders and rockeries.

Buddleia Blue Chip can be pruned back hard after flowering, and this will help the plant to become ever more compact and produce more bloom for the following year. In the late winter months, the shrub can be pruned all the way to the ground to encourage a more abundant flower production in the summer.

In areas with exceptionally cold winters, it is not uncommon for the Buddleia Blue Chip to die back to the ground. Removing spent flower heads also typically encourages the plant to produce additional blossoms. Generally, Buddleia Blue Chip will produce flowers from June until the first frost of fall. Its flowers are a popular flesh cute blossom for bouquets.

Buddleia Blue Chip likes full sun and partial shade, and well-drained but moist, fertile soil. Plant in full sunlight for the best flower production. It is highly deer and rabbit resistant. Once established, it tolerates drought well. Unlike other shrubs, it does not spread and is non-invasive. However, the Butterfly Bush is fast growing and will quickly attain its full growth potential in the garden.

The eye-catching blossoms of the Buddleia Blue Chip make it an ideal accent plant, foundation shrub, or border specimen. Plant it anywhere you want to add distinctive colour to the garden. Read our blog for more blue flowering shrubs

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